Publishing with Karnac

About Karnac

Karnac Books has been a specialist bookseller and publisher of books and journals about psychoanalysis and psychotherapy for over 70 years, and is the world’s leading independent psychoanalytic bookseller and publisher. In 2023, Karnac merged with Phoenix Publishing House but the Karnac spirit is unchanging and remains a beacon of excellence and a reassuring presence in the mental health world.

Karnac provides a home for mental health publishing as international, independent specialists. We are passionate about bringing the latest in psychoanalytic thought and research into the world. We also seek to keep classic works in print and bring translations of important international works to the English-speaking world. Our purpose is not to create accord but to stimulate debate, to open minds to new ways of working, to present opposing theories, to break down orthodoxies – and above all to question everything. We exist to disseminate new ideas and approaches to a wider readership through our publications. Our exciting list of books and journals boasts an international array of experts in the field.

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Why publish with Karnac?

We provide a personal, flexible, and responsive service for our authors, which is tailored to the individual. We offer an outstanding, reliable, and high-quality editorial production process from contract to publication, and beyond. We have an in-depth understanding of both the mental health and publishing worlds.

We offer competitive and fair prices for our publications and we promote our content through targeted, focused, and relevant channels, including events, conferences, social media, partnerships with relevant organisations, and direct mailings.

The relationships we build with our authors and organisations are highly valued. We welcome manuscript submissions from all fields and schools of mental health. Please note we do not publish fiction, memoir, or poetry. We publish predominantly for mental health professionals and trainees.

Guidelines for submissions

To submit your manuscript for consideration, please send through the following:

  • A table of contents
  • A blurb (description) to explain what the book is about and who it is for
  • Two to three chapters
  • An author biography or CV
  • Confirmation that it is an original work or details of where parts have been previously published
  • Word count (either actual or estimated)
  • If the manuscript is unfinished, an estimated date for completion.

Please email these items to

You will receive a response within six weeks.

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