This book presents and illustrates the theory and technique of working with young people, their parents, and their families. Wide-ranging in focus from individuals to communities, it gives a... (more)
Chapter 1: MATERNAL ORIENTATIONS - Mothers' Approaches to Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting
Chapter 2: FAMILY CLIMATES - Interaction Between Fathers, Mothers, Babies and Siblings
Chapter... (more)
How does life before birth shape a baby's development? In this trailblazing book, leading psychotherapist Graham Music explores the latest scientific findings on pregnancy and the incredible life of... (more)
Contemporary Child Psychotherapy: Integration and Imagination in Creative Clinical Practice demonstrates the step-by-step process of developing the depth of understanding, creativity, knowledge and... (more)
This book applies psychoanalytic insight to work with children and adolescents in a changing, often traumatic, world.
Each chapter considers how psychoanalysis can develop and be developed,... (more)
This thought-provoking book reveals the bewildering dilemmas confronting the boarding school child, and discovers a dark secret at the heart of the British psyche. The author, a psychotherapist and... (more)
In this volume, Christiane Ludwig-Körner describes the lives and work of the staff members of the War Nurseries set up and run by Anna Freud and Dorothy Burlingham during the Second World... (more)
When Mothers Talk is an intimate book about early child development and motherhood which offers an extraordinary view of the first three years of life and practical information that rarely gets... (more)
Have you ever wondered what’s going on in your teenager’s mind? This engaging book will give you the tools to understand just that to ultimately help you keep the close connection you both need... (more)
Scattered Minds explodes the myth of attention deficit disorder as genetically based - and offers real hope and advice for children and adults who live with the condition.
Gabor Mate is a... (more)
In recent years, there has been an explosion in the number of children and young people who diagnose themselves as gender dysphoric, or trans. In the UK, and worldwide, there is a growing tendency to... (more)
What are the origins of creativity and how can we develop it - whether within ourselves or in others? Not only does Playing and Reality address these questions, it also tackles many more that... (more)
Margaret Rustin’s writing is characterised not only by its subject matter, which is diverse, but by her imaginative sensitivity to the emotional lives of children and young people, the depth of her... (more)
A four-volume set including Melanie Klein's best-known works.
This is a facsimile edition of the 1975 Hogarth Press four-volume set.
Volume I - “Love, Guilt and Reparation” and Other Works... (more)
This important book shows how psychotherapy can address severe eating disorders in children and young people, illustrating the ways an imprisoned self can be released from suffering.
The book... (more)
Finding Your Way with Your Baby explores the emotional experience of the baby in the first year and that of the mother, father and other significant adults.
This updated edition is informed by... (more)
This is one of a new two volume edition of Collected Papers of Martha Harris and Esther Bick, which includes some papers not published in the first edition. The companion volume, Adolescence, by... (more)
Adolescence and adolescent states of mind have seldom captured so much attention publicly, nor have they stirred so much anxiety and disturbance privately. This long acknowledged, problematic,... (more)
This book sets out a new a new conceptual system for analysis based on the inner world of the patient and its interaction with the inner world of the the analyst. Ferro takes a fresh look at... (more)
How do you decide whether to breast feed your baby and what are the emotions involved for mother and baby when the baby rejects a feed, or when breast feeding stops? What happens when a baby starts... (more)
For many years the regular observation of infants during the first two years of life has been a vital element in the training of child psychotherapists at the Tavistock Clinic. This book presents... (more)
Anna Freud's book deals with a most neglected aspect of psychoanalysis - normality. Its chief concern is with the ordinary problems of upbringing which face all parents and the usual phenomena... (more)
Through the stories of individual children, this book illuminates the process of creative, play-based child psychotherapy. Each chapter focuses on a specific issue that brings a child or a young... (more)
In this new edition Blake gives a personal account of his professional experience of working with children and adolescents over the last 45 years. Providing a wonderful integration of the conceptual... (more)
Winnicott’s thinking continues to grow in importance in psychoanalysis today. This book can be described as a clinical primer: by presenting her own personal responses to Winnicott and her initial... (more)
Understanding 8-9-Year-Olds describes how children grow and change as they move further away from reliance on home and family, out into the world of school and community. Children of this age develop... (more)
Many books have recently appeared on a variety of psychoanalytic topics, but relatively few have dealt specifically with problems of technique and with the theory that informs those techniques. It is... (more)
Margot Waddell offers helpful advice to parents whose children have reached the turbulent teenage years. From conflict management to addressing issues of bullying, stealing and same-sex friendships,... (more)
In this book, Moses and Egle Laufer contend that severely disturbed adolescents can be assessed and treated psychoanalytically, that their illness differs from comparable illnesses in older patients,... (more)