Demystifying Mind Control and Ritual Abuse: A Manual for Therapists

Author(s) : Alison Miller

Demystifying Mind Control and Ritual Abuse: A Manual for Therapists

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This book was written to meet the need of therapists: a succinct, thorough, practical, clear, down-to-earth handbook to which a therapist can refer as needed. Many, if not most, therapists have encountered a victim of complex mind control and ritual abuse, and most therapists feel deskilled in this work. Working with such clients is a challenge for therapists, given the extreme and prolonged nature of the clients’ trauma, the severity of their dissociative disorders, the complexity of the mind control they have experienced, and the reality of organised perpetrator groups who follow up on their victims. Every therapist needs to know the basics of this work.

Reviews and Endorsements

‘Alison Miller’s latest book, Demystifying Mind Control and Ritual Abuse, is a tour de force in advanced psychotherapy for the most difficult of clients, those who have been subjected to torture since before birth and throughout their childhood in order to create compliant slaves without walls. She is a knowledgeable, tough, and compassionate guide who takes a clear-eyed look at what it really takes for therapists to do this work and gives us the tools to do so. She calmly addresses a topic that most find unbearable to acknowledge, that children can and are routinely used to serve the darkest desires of humanity. She lays out many practical tips; each chapter could almost be its own book. Any therapist who finds themselves confounded and feeling deskilled by a victim of organized abuse that is cult related, ritually abused and/or mind controlled will find helpful tips and resources in these pages. This book should be required reading for all therapists.’
Susan Pease Banitt, LCSW, psychotherapist and consultant specialising in trauma and extreme abuse, sought-after speaker, and award-winning author

‘Having worked in this difficult field for several decades, Alison Miller has found a further way of passing on her knowledge of mind control and ritual abuse. What’s more, she does so in the most honed, processed way. This is a handbook which is easy to read despite the fearfulness of its subject. It is filled with wise information culled from decades of experience. It will aid the newcomer and the experienced clinician alike.’
Valerie Sinason PhD, founder and patron, Clinic for Dissociative Studies, and author of The Orpheus Project

Demystifying Mind Control and Ritual Abuse: A Manual for Therapists delivers just what Dr. Miller promises – a book for therapists “who need a succinct, practical, down-to-earth guide for this challenging work.” She describes the strategies that mind control abusers apply to victims, beginning in infancy, to induce dissociated identities to form, to manipulate them, and to then set them up against each other for long-term, often lifetime control. These abusers hope to prevent victims from ever consciously accessing their memories, from being able to receive the help of a psychotherapist, and from ever defying and escaping their mental controls. Then Dr. Miller offers step-by-step therapeutic guidance in troubleshooting all of these obstacles so that survivors may discover their own minds and exercise agency over their own lives. This is a wonderful reference book to help psychotherapists navigate this toughest-of-all courses of psychotherapy.’
Ellen Lacter, PhD, psychologist, USA

‘Dr. Alison Miller's new book, Demystifying Mind Control and Ritual Abuse: A Training Manual for Therapists, is the most comprehensive book written to date on this topic. Dr. Miller discusses all of the techniques needed to help survivors of these crimes. Her book is easy to read and understand. It explains ways to work with trauma survivors in a compassionate, respectful, and comprehensive manner. Her many years of experience and research provide a unique guide into helping mind control and ritual abuse survivors. I have been proud to work with Dr. Miller in both Survivorship ( and SMART ( Every time I attend one of her workshops or webinars or read one of her books, I learn more about our field, myself, and ways to help other survivors.’
Neil Brick, editor and conference coordinator for SMARTNews at

Table of Contents

About the author

1. Dissociation, ritual abuse and mind control
Dissociative splitting
Ritual abuse and mind control
Recognising a survivor client
Remembering the abuse

2. The therapeutic relationship
The therapeutic bond: parental and infant love
How abusers try to prevent the therapeutic bond
Talking with someone who’s multiple
Developing the therapeutic relationship

3. The life of a mind control victim
The groups’ activities in the larger world

4. Engineered personality systems
Sections within the brain
Appearing normal: the front
Programs and jobs of parts

5. Stabilisation and internal safety
Programmed triggering
Internal hierarchies and leaders

6. Working with the personality system
Stopping programmed symptoms
Building inner community

7. Present-day physical safety
Access programming
Monitoring of survivors

8. Working through the traumatic memories
Three phases of treatment
Planning memory work
Processing a memory

9. Confronting the spiritual issues in ritual abuse
Simulated religious scenarios
Spiritual/moral abuse: making victims believe they are evil
How does evil really work?
Guilt, shame and forgiveness
Making meaning of the abuse experience

10. Healing for our clients and ourselves
Effects of the abuse on survivors
Healing tasks
Intimidation of therapists
Therapists’ vicarious traumatisation


About the Author(s)

Alison Miller is a clinical psychologist recently retired from private practice in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. She worked for many years in child and youth mental health services, helping children and families, and developing the LIFE Seminars parent education programs. Since 1991, Dr Miller has been treating and learning from persons who have experienced organized childhood abuse, in particular mind control and ritual abuse. She wrote Healing the Unimaginable to help therapists treating such survivors, and Becoming Yourself to assist survivors in their own healing process.

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