Salman Akhtar

Salman Akhtar

Salman Akhtar, MD, was born in India and completed his medical and psychiatric education there. Upon arriving in the USA in 1973, he repeated his psychiatric training at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, and then obtained psychoanalytic training from the Philadelphia Psychoanalytic Institute. Currently, he is Professor of Psychiatry at Jefferson Medical College and a training and supervising analyst at the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia. He has authored, edited or co-edited more than 300 publications including books on psychiatry and psychoanalysis and several collections of poetry. He is also a Scholar-in-Residence at the Inter-Act Theatre Company in Philadelphia. Salman Akhtar received the Sigourney Award in 2012.

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In Short: Private Notes of a Psychoanalyst

In Short: Private Notes of a Psychoanalyst

by Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £14.39 (RRP : £15.99 save £1.60)
  • eBook £12.99 (RRP : £15.99 save £3.00)
  • Paperback + eBook £17.99 (RRP : £28.98 save £10.99)

In Short: Private Notes of a Psychoanalyst is wise, uplifting and inspiring. Salman Akhtar brings his talent for poetic literature to gift us 111 pithy ‘proto essays’ on a wide range of subjects. His... (more)

Unlit Corners: Dirtiness, Miserliness, Shyness, Outrageousness, Shallowness, Indecisiveness, Restlessness, and Cowardliness

Unlit Corners: Dirtiness, Miserliness, Shyness, Outrageousness, Shallowness, Indecisiveness, Restlessness, and Cowardliness

Edited by Salman Akhtar

  • Print £23.39 (RRP : £25.99 save £2.60)
  • eBook £20.99 (RRP : £25.99 save £5.00)
  • Print + eBook £27.99 (RRP : £46.98 save £18.99)

Unlit Corners endeavours to bring light to neglected character traits which many struggle to overcome. Filled with relevant case studies and carefully crafted psychoanalytic theory, the book... (more)

Truth: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms

Truth: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms

Edited by Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £32.39 (RRP : £35.99 save £3.60)
  • eBook £28.99 (RRP : £35.99 save £7.00)
  • Paperback + eBook £37.99 (RRP : £64.98 save £26.99)

This edited collection gathers together erudite and considered contributions from Salman Akhtar, Cobi Avshalom, Brett Clarke, Mali Mann, Gila Ofer, Thomas Ogden, Louis Rothschild, Batya Shoshani,... (more)

Tales of Transformation: A Life in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis

Tales of Transformation: A Life in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis

by Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £25.00 (RRP : £35.00 save £10.00)
  • eBook £27.99 (RRP : £35.00 save £7.01)
  • Paperback + eBook £37.00 (RRP : £62.99 save £25.99)

One hundred (and one) tales to mark Salman Akhtar’s one hundredth book! Divided into eight informative parts – Dr Akhtar’s journey to psychoanalysis; the lessons he learned from his teachers,... (more)

Food Matters: Biopsychosocial Perspectives

Food Matters: Biopsychosocial Perspectives

Edited by Salman Akhtar, Nina Savelle-Rocklin

  • Paperback £26.09 (RRP : £28.99 save £2.90)
  • eBook £23.99 (RRP : £28.99 save £5.00)
  • Paperback + eBook £30.99 (RRP : £52.98 save £21.99)

Food matters because food is essential to sustain life, and food matters are complex and wide-ranging, encompassing the symbolic as well as the practical. The rich discussions of the relationship... (more)

Fatherhood Scenarios: Development, Culture, Psychopathology and Treatment

Fatherhood Scenarios: Development, Culture, Psychopathology and Treatment

Edited by Rama Rao Gogineni, Andres J. Pumariega

  • Paperback £31.49 (RRP : £34.99 save £3.50)

Fatherhood Scenarios offers a wide range of perspectives, including different cultural and ethnic perspectives and chapters considering the role of the father throughout the lifespan, including... (more)

Guilt: Origins, Manifestations, and Management

Guilt: Origins, Manifestations, and Management

Edited by Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £38.00

Guilt: Origins, Manifestations, and Management is replete with clinical pearls and highly useful tips for the management of patients driven by feelings of guilt and remorse. Eight distinguished... (more)

Psychoanalytic Listening: Methods, Limits, and Innovations

Psychoanalytic Listening: Methods, Limits, and Innovations

by Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £31.99

'Joseph Breuer’s celebrated patient, Anna O., designated psychoanalysis to be a "talking cure". She was correct insofar as psychoanalysis does place verbal exchange at the center stage. However, the... (more)

Besides Family: Extending the Orbit of Psychic Development

Besides Family: Extending the Orbit of Psychic Development

Edited by Salman Akhtar, April Fallon

  • Paperback £23.39 (RRP : £25.99 save £2.60)
  • eBook £20.99 (RRP : £25.99 save £5.00)
  • Paperback + eBook £27.99 (RRP : £46.98 save £18.99)

With contributions from Salman Akhtar, Patricia Boguski, Ann Eichen, April Fallon, Theodore Fallon, Jr., Rama Rao Gogineni, Mark Moore, Sonja Ware.

Collectively authored by psychoanalytic... (more)

In Leaps and Bounds: Psychic Development and its Facilitation in Treatment

In Leaps and Bounds: Psychic Development and its Facilitation in Treatment

by Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £23.39 (RRP : £25.99 save £2.60)
  • eBook £20.99 (RRP : £25.99 save £5.00)
  • Paperback + eBook £27.99 (RRP : £46.98 save £18.99)

A tour de force from the inimitable Salman Akhtar. Dr Akhtar brings his encyclopaedic knowledge of psychoanalysis to present a deceptively simple guide to personality development across the full... (more)

Human Goodness: Origins, Manifestations, and Clinical Implications

Human Goodness: Origins, Manifestations, and Clinical Implications

Edited by Salman Akhtar

  • Hardback £74.00

Human Goodness: Origins, Manifestations, and Clinical Implications focuses on the positive attributes that exist in each human heart. In this volume eight distinguished clinicians elucidate the... (more)

Shame: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms

Shame: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms

Edited by Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £35.99

A late-comer to psychoanalytic theorizing, 'shame' results from a disjunction between the ego and the ego-ideal. A complex psychosocial experience, it is comprised of a painful exposure of one’s... (more)

Turning Points in Dynamic Psychotherapy: Initial Assessment, Boundaries, Money, Disruptions and Suicidal Crises

Turning Points in Dynamic Psychotherapy: Initial Assessment, Boundaries, Money, Disruptions and Suicidal Crises

by Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £31.99

'Putting aside the narcissistic-masochistic aspiration of authoring a text on all the intricacies of in-depth psychotherapy, I have chosen to address five areas of difficulty in this enterprise. This... (more)

Three Faces of Mourning: Melancholia, Manic Defense and Moving on

Three Faces of Mourning: Melancholia, Manic Defense and Moving on

Edited by Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £47.00

Mourning and the importance of the capacity to bear some helplessness, while still finding pleasure in life, are central to this tightly organized volume. The multi-faceted processes involved in... (more)

The Seed of Madness: Constitution, Environment, and Fantasy in the Organization of the Psychotic Core

The Seed of Madness: Constitution, Environment, and Fantasy in the Organization of the Psychotic Core

Edited by Vamik D. Volkan, Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £31.99

More and more individuals with ego defects, severe object relations conflicts, affective turbulence, and unassimilated contradictions are seeking help from psychoanalysts and psychotherapists.... (more)

Immigration and Acculturation: Mourning, Adaptation, and the Next Generation

Immigration and Acculturation: Mourning, Adaptation, and the Next Generation

by Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £48.00

This book provides clinical strategies for working with immigrant and ethnically diverse patients and their offspring while drawing observations from the humanities to reveal truths about the... (more)

Good Stuff: Courage, Resilience, Gratitude, Generosity, Forgiveness, and Sacrifice

Good Stuff: Courage, Resilience, Gratitude, Generosity, Forgiveness, and Sacrifice

by Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £40.00

Good Stuff is divided into two main parts; Part I addresses Positive Attributes and Part II, Positive Actions. The former contains chapters on Courage, Resilience, and Gratitude. The latter contains... (more)

Silent Virtues: Patience, Curiosity, Privacy, Intimacy, Humility, and Dignity

Silent Virtues: Patience, Curiosity, Privacy, Intimacy, Humility, and Dignity

by Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £31.49 (RRP : £34.99 save £3.50)

Silent Virtues addresses six areas of mental functioning, namely, patience, curiosity, privacy, intimacy, humility, and dignity. Each of the areas is elucidated with the help of clinical, literary,... (more)

Beyond the Primal Addiction: Food, Sex, Gambling, Internet Shopping and Work

Beyond the Primal Addiction: Food, Sex, Gambling, Internet Shopping and Work

Edited by Nina Savelle-Rocklin, Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £33.24 (RRP : £34.99 save £1.75)

Written by experienced practitioners in the fields of addiction and psychoanalysis, and illustrated by a range of moving vignettes, this groundbreaking book examines the psychological foundations of... (more)

Textbook of Applied Psychoanalysis

Textbook of Applied Psychoanalysis

Edited by Salman Akhtar, Stuart W. Twemlow

  • Paperback £35.99

The Textbook of Applied Psychoanalysis is a unique and original contribution to the field of psychoanalysis. Emphasizing and underscoring the need for interdisciplinary discourse in understanding the... (more)

Selected Papers of Salman Akhtar

Selected Papers of Salman Akhtar

by Salman Akhtar

  • Hardback £720.00 (RRP : £800.00 save £80.00)

Salman Akhtar is a Professor of Psychiatry, a Training and Supervising Analyst, a member of numerous editorial boards, winner of many awards, including the highly prestigious Sigourney Award, a... (more)

Privacy: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms

Privacy: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms

Edited by Salman Akhtar, Aisha Abbasi

  • Paperback £27.59 (RRP : £29.99 save £2.40)

In this, the latest in a series of books examining emotional states and psychological life, Salman Akhtar and Aisha Abbasi critically discuss a concept that remains, appropriately perhaps, elusive... (more)

Eroticism: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms

Eroticism: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms

Edited by Salman Akhtar, Rajiv Gulati

  • Paperback £29.99

With contributions from distinguished scholars and clinicians who view human erotic desire from modern developmental, relational, societal, and cross-cultural perspectives, Eroticism: Developmental,... (more)

Loss: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms

Loss: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms

Edited by Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £29.99

The experience of loss is ubiquitous in human life, but its nature and impact have great variations. When loss is phase-specific, expected, and accompanied by compensatory supplies, it can lead to... (more)

Intimacy: Clinical, Cultural, Digital and Developmental Perspectives

Intimacy: Clinical, Cultural, Digital and Developmental Perspectives

Edited by Gurmeet Kanwal, Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £27.59 (RRP : £29.99 save £2.40)

Intimacy: Clinical, Cultural, Digital and Developmental Perspectives applies a contemporary, psychoanalytic lens to the many facets of intimacy between people, from romantic and sexual relationships,... (more)

A Web of Sorrow: Mistrust, Jealousy, Lovelessness, Shamelessness, Regret, Hopelessness

A Web of Sorrow: Mistrust, Jealousy, Lovelessness, Shamelessness, Regret, Hopelessness

by Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £28.99

Bringing together the experiences of mistrust, jealousy, lack of love, shamelessness, regret, and despair, this far-reaching book elucidates human sorrow in striking sociocultural and clinical... (more)

Regret: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms

Regret: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms

Edited by Salman Akhtar, Shahrzad Siassi

  • Paperback £35.99

Missed opportunities, unfulfilled dreams, and broken promises are the stuff of everyday life and so is regret, the emotion that accompanies them. Unlike remorse which is consequent upon the... (more)

Jealousy: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms

Jealousy: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms

Edited by Mary Kay O'Neil, Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £35.99

Jealousy is a human feeling experienced by everyone in varying intensities, at different times and phases of growth. Frequently confused, jealousy and envy are often intertwined. Even within the... (more)

The Language of Emotions: Developmental, Psychopathology, and Technique

The Language of Emotions: Developmental, Psychopathology, and Technique

by Salman Akhtar, Harold P. Blum

  • Paperback £52.00

This book is about affect-its origins, development and uses-and how it is viewed in a clinical setting. The authors track and further develop the recent major changes in the understanding of affect.... (more)

Real and Imaginary Fathers: Development, Transference, and Healing

Real and Imaginary Fathers: Development, Transference, and Healing

by Salman Akhtar

  • Paperback £38.00

In this work, Salman Akhtar looks at how many fathers unconsciously, and sometimes quite consciously, attempt to revise their own traumatized childhood by providing their children with possibilities... (more)

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