Organisational Psychology Books

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Organizations Connected: A Handbook of Systemic Consultation

Organizations Connected: A Handbook of Systemic Consultation

Edited by David Campbell, Clare Huffington

  • Paperback £35.99

In this book, each contributor describes the way they use the systemic model in their consultancy practice. Their key ideas are illustrated via a case example (or examples), where possible including... (more)

Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol.8 No.1

Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol.8 No.1

Edited by Michael Moskowitz, Anne-Marie Cummins

  • Paperback £19.99

Contents in this issue:

Competition and Coherence: Creating a New Balance Between Economic Change and Organizational Identity in Mental Health Care Organizations

- Mathias Lohmer

Where... (more)

From Transformation to TransformaCtion: Methods and Practices

From Transformation to TransformaCtion: Methods and Practices

by David Gutmann

  • Paperback £36.99

This book describes a journey of discovery from transformation to transformaCtion that extends and enhances the life of the organization. The journey occurs on the seas of anxiety and passion, which... (more)

The Perverse Organisation and its Deadly Sins

The Perverse Organisation and its Deadly Sins

by Susan Long

  • Paperback £35.99

There is evidence of a movement from 'a culture of narcissism' toward elements of a perverse culture. This book brings forth and examines the evidence as it reveals itself through one of the major... (more)

Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol.6 No.2

Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol.6 No.2

Edited by Laurence J. Gould, Paul Hoggett

  • Paperback £19.99

Included in this issue:

When Faith Eclipses Hope; Forgiveness Within Reparation
- Lindsey Nicholls

Broad Based Organising: Reflective Citizenship and Political Action
- Paul... (more)

Disillusionment: Dialogue of Lacks

Disillusionment: Dialogue of Lacks

Edited by David Gutmann, Jacqueline Ternier-David

  • Paperback £19.99

This current volume by successful consultants to leading organizations and institutions combines two of their recent papers. The first paper, 'Disillusionment', looks at the phenomenon of illusion... (more)

Psychoanalysis and Management: The Transformation

Psychoanalysis and Management: The Transformation

by David Gutmann, Oscar Iarussi

  • Paperback £35.99

David Gutmann is a highly successful consultant to leading institutions and organisations. In this enriching and challenging dialogue with the Italian journalist Oscar Iarussi, he brings his passion... (more)

It's an Emotional Game: Learning about Leadership from Football

It's an Emotional Game: Learning about Leadership from Football

by Lionel F. Stapley

  • Paperback £42.99

Based on work in the anxiety-provoking and emotional environment of professional football, this book explores the effect that emotions have on the relationships and relatedness of team members; and,... (more)

The Socially Constructed Organization

The Socially Constructed Organization

by David Campbell

  • Paperback £36.99

This new work looks at the dynamics of organisations from a social constructionist viewpoint, taking the organisation as something that is constructed continuously through individual interactions... (more)

Ideology, Conflict, and Leadership in Groups and Organizations

Ideology, Conflict, and Leadership in Groups and Organizations

by Otto F. Kernberg

  • Paperback £32.55 (RRP : £35.00 save £2.45)

This text integrates current knowledge of the psychodynamics of individuals, groups and organizations into a theoretical framework. The author shows how the interplay of libidinal and aggressive... (more)

The Dynamics of the Social: Selected Essays Volume 2

The Dynamics of the Social: Selected Essays Volume 2

by Isabel Menzies Lyth

  • Paperback £24.99

The author reflects on a variety of social situations from a psychoanalytical perspective, drawing from her experiences of working over a thirty-year period. It concludes with a wide-ranging survey... (more)

Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol.21 No.1

Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol.21 No.1

by Aaron J. Nurick, Matias Sanfuentes

  • Paperback £19.99



Twentieth Anniversary Special Issue

Psychoanalytic, systems psychodynamic, socioanalytic, and group relations developments of the last two decades by Aaron J. Nurick,... (more)

Psychodynamic Coaching and Supervision for Executives: An Entrepreneur and a Psychoanalyst in Dialogue

Psychodynamic Coaching and Supervision for Executives: An Entrepreneur and a Psychoanalyst in Dialogue

by Thomas Kretschmar, Andreas Hamburger

  • Paperback £29.99

Thomas Kretschmar and Andreas Hamburger provide an important overview of psychodynamic work in companies, presenting different viewpoints and explaining key psychoanalytic terms and techniques for... (more)

Work Matters: Consulting to leaders and organizations in the Tavistock tradition

Work Matters: Consulting to leaders and organizations in the Tavistock tradition

by Francesca Cardona

  • Paperback £25.19 (RRP : £27.99 save £2.80)

Work is complicated: It can be fulfilling and exciting, or disappointing and disruptive. We spend most of our adult lives at work; it shapes our identities and provides a context for our creativity... (more)

Psychodynamic Organisational Theory: Key Concepts and Case Studies

Psychodynamic Organisational Theory: Key Concepts and Case Studies

by Jacob Alsted, Ditte Haslund

  • Paperback £34.99

On the surface, people go to work and come home again. They sometimes manage people while most are managed themselves. But beneath the function and structures of the work itself, a whole range of... (more)

An Existential Approach to Leadership Challenges

An Existential Approach to Leadership Challenges

by Monica Hanaway

  • Paperback £24.99

In An Existential Approach to Leadership Challenges, Monica Hanaway progresses us forward from a brief, introductory understanding of existential thought to considering how this approach can... (more)

The Tao of Dialogue

The Tao of Dialogue

by Paul Lawrence, Sarah Hill

  • Paperback £15.00

Contemporary writers position ‘dialogue’ at the heart of change theory, but what do we mean by ‘dialogue’? The Tao of Dialogue explains through story what dialogue means, and how to leverage dialogic... (more)

Work, Vacation and Well-being: A Psychological Perspective

Work, Vacation and Well-being: A Psychological Perspective

by Dalia Etzion

  • Paperback £29.43 (RRP : £31.99 save £2.56)

Based on a twenty-year research study, Work, Vacation and Well-being delves into the ubiquitous yet often-underestimated issues surrounding vacation and respite. Providing an original outlook on how... (more)

Love and Loneliness at Work: An Inspirational Guide for Consultants, Leaders and Other Professionals

Love and Loneliness at Work: An Inspirational Guide for Consultants, Leaders and Other Professionals

by Brigitte Bonnerup, Annemette Hasselager

  • Paperback £24.29 (RRP : £26.99 save £2.70)

Love and loneliness, in both their presence and absence, are key aspects of our lives - including our working lives.

Love and Loneliness at Work offers an accessible and practical... (more)

Social Dreaming: Philosophy, Research, Theory and Practice

Social Dreaming: Philosophy, Research, Theory and Practice

Edited by Susan Long, Julian Manley

  • Paperback £34.03 (RRP : £36.99 save £2.96)

The idea of social dreaming argues that dreams are relevant to the wider social sphere and have a collective resonance that goes beyond the personal narrative.

In this fascinating collection,... (more)

Global Leadership and Coaching: Flourishing Under Intense Pressure at Work

Global Leadership and Coaching: Flourishing Under Intense Pressure at Work

by Rachel Ellison

  • Paperback £20.23 (RRP : £21.99 save £1.76)

Global Leadership & Coaching: Flourishing Under Intense Pressure at Work is a unique and personal look at coaching, leading and working internationally, bringing together inspiring, original and... (more)

The Art of Dialogue in Coaching: Towards Transformative Exchange

The Art of Dialogue in Coaching: Towards Transformative Exchange

by Reinhard Stelter

  • Paperback £24.29 (RRP : £26.99 save £2.70)

In The Art of Dialogue in Coaching, Reinhard Stelter invites readers to engage in transformative and fruitful dialogues in everyday working life, and provides the theory and tools for them to be able... (more)

Executive Coaching: Developing Managerial Wisdom in a World of Chaos

Executive Coaching: Developing Managerial Wisdom in a World of Chaos

by Richard E. Kilburg

  • Hardback £33.95

This text was written to help organizational consultants understand the pressures and psychodynamic problems that can influence executive behaviour and performance. It shows how methods and... (more)

Leadership and Power: Identity Processes in Groups and Organizations

Leadership and Power: Identity Processes in Groups and Organizations

by Daan Van Knippenberg, Michael A. Hogg

  • Paperback £35.99

Leadership and associated power issues lie at the core of group life in a variety of contexts. Even the most informal of groups typically have some form of leadership in their organization, and the... (more)

Collaborative research in organizations

Collaborative research in organizations

by Niclas Adler

  • Print £67.00

This Book is organized in four sections. Part I, Framing the Challenge, provides grounding in the historical context, the emergent need, and the challenges of working in the borderland between... (more)

Understanding Emotion at Work

Understanding Emotion at Work

by Stephen Fineman

  • Paperback £45.99

Understanding Emotion at Work gets to the heart of what binds and breaks organizations: emotion. It explores beyond the surface of work to the rich emotional life bubbling underneath, showing what... (more)

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