Work, Vacation and Well-being: A Psychological Perspective

Author(s) : Dalia Etzion

Work, Vacation and Well-being: A Psychological Perspective

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : October 2019
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 256
  • Category :
    Organisational Psychology
  • Catalogue No : 94494
  • ISBN 13 : 9781848722316
  • ISBN 10 : 9781848722
RRP : £31.99
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Based on a twenty-year research study, Work, Vacation and Well-being delves into the ubiquitous yet often-underestimated issues surrounding vacation and respite. Providing an original outlook on how breaks from work can be beneficial for the well-being of employees, this book also addresses the potential negative impacts of vacation. Taking into account factors concerning the nature of the break and the person taking it, Etzion delves into the benefits and drawbacks of workplace breaks, from annual leave to maternity leave and sabbaticals. Work, Vacation and Well-being looks at breaks from work through various social and cultural lenses, to present a balanced and well-researched perspective on all angles of taking a break. Perfect for students of Organizational and Health Psychology, Work, Vacation and Well-being also widely appeals to those studying Social Policy, Management Studies, Occupational Health and Research Methods.

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