Collaborative research in organizations

Author(s) : Niclas Adler

Collaborative research in organizations

Book Details

  • Publisher : Sage
  • Published : 2003
  • Pages : 408
  • Category :
    Organisational Psychology
  • Catalogue No : 90907
  • ISBN 13 : 9780761928638
  • ISBN 10 : 0761928634
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This Book is organized in four sections. Part I, Framing the Challenge, provides grounding in the historical context, the emergent need, and the challenges of working in the borderland between academy and industry. Part II, Lenses and Mechanisms, presents a range of collaborative research approaches, concepts, frameworks, and mechanisms, positioning collaborative research as something other than one of many qualitative approaches. Part III, Illustrations, are intended to provide specific examples of collaborative research projects in a variety of companies and industries that show how collaborative research is realized. Part IV, Lessons, highlights the common denominators between the different studies, addresses some of the critiques of collaborative research, and identifies critical challenges for future inquiry.

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