Search results for "psychoanalysis"

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Listening Subjects: Music, Psychoanalysis, Culture

Listening Subjects: Music, Psychoanalysis, Culture

by David Schwarz

  • Paperback £22.99

David Schwarz uses psychoanalytic techniques to probe the visceral experiences of music listeners. Using classical, popular, and avant-garde music as texts, Schwarz addresses intriguing questions:... (more)

Performance anxieties: Staging psychoanalysis, staging race

Performance anxieties: Staging psychoanalysis, staging race

by Ann Pellegrini

  • Paperback £35.99

Looks at the on-going debate concerning the value of psychoanalysis for feminist theory and politics - specifically concerning the social and psychical meanings of 'race'. The author indicates how... (more)

Tradition and Change in Psychoanalysis

Tradition and Change in Psychoanalysis

by Roy Schafer

  • Paperback £38.99

This book traces a line of continuity in psychoanalysis back to Freud and his immediate followers, and describes the major transformations that followed, particularly in the works of Heinz Hartmann... (more)

Art and psychoanalysis

Art and psychoanalysis

by Laurie S. Adams

  • Paperback £52.99

A clearly written, informative, and stimulating contribution to the fields of art history and psychoanalysis. (more)

Dispatches from the Freud Wars: Psychoanalysis and Its Passions

Dispatches from the Freud Wars: Psychoanalysis and Its Passions

by John Forrester

  • Paperback £33.95

Delves into the posthumous disputes over Freud. With wit and erudition, Forrester tackles questions central to our psychoanalytic century's way of thinking and living. 320 pages. (more)

The Freudian Body: Psychoanalysis and Art

The Freudian Body: Psychoanalysis and Art

by Leo Bersani

  • Paperback £25.00

A study of the application of psychoanalysis to art, and vice versa. (more)

New Directions in Psychoanalysis: The Significance of Infant Conflict in the Pattern of Adult Behaviour

New Directions in Psychoanalysis: The Significance of Infant Conflict in the Pattern of Adult Behaviour

Edited by Melanie Klein, Roger Money-Kyrle

  • Paperback £59.99

Melanie Klein's contribution to psycho-analysis is centered on her exploration into the early stages of the mental development of the child, which she began while a pupil of Karl Abraham. Taking as... (more)

Representing the woman: cinema and psychoanalysis

Representing the woman: cinema and psychoanalysis

by Elizabeth Cowie

  • Paperback £46.00

A study of the theory and politics of representation in narrative film. Questioning current accounts of cinema's pleasures for men and women, this text draws on the psychoanalytic theory of Freud and... (more)

Selected Papers on Psychoanalysis

Selected Papers on Psychoanalysis

by Karl Abraham

  • Paperback £64.99

Covering a wide range of topics, the collection consists of twenty-six papers and essays published over a period of two decades. Readers of this book are thus enabled to trace the analyst's... (more)

Clinical Papers and Essays on Psychoanalysis

Clinical Papers and Essays on Psychoanalysis

by Karl Abraham

  • Hardback £52.99

This is the second volume of the works of Karl Abraham, whose Selected Papers on Psycho-Analysis is one of the most widely read and highly valued classics on the subject. The first part of this book... (more)

Feminism and Psychoanalysis: A Critical Dictionary

Feminism and Psychoanalysis: A Critical Dictionary

Edited by Elizabeth Wright

  • Paperback £36.25

A comprehensive overview of psychoanalytic theories and their relationship to feminist thought. (more)

A Skin for Thought: Interviews with Gilbert Tarrab on Psychology and Psychoanalysis

A Skin for Thought: Interviews with Gilbert Tarrab on Psychology and Psychoanalysis

by Didier Anzieu, Gilbert Tarrab

  • Paperback £42.99

A French analyst discusses the interface between psychoanalysis and psychology. A Skin for Thought takes the form of ten transcribed discussions between Didier Anzieu and Gilbert Tarrab, recorded in... (more)

Psychoanalysis: Toward the Second Century

Psychoanalysis: Toward the Second Century

Edited by Arnold M. Cooper

  • Hardback £45.00

Discusses how recent advances in infant research, ethology, cognitive psychology, narrative studies, and neurobiology are generating far-reaching changes in theory and technique. Divided into... (more)

Freud in Exile: Psychoanalysis and its Vicissitudes

Freud in Exile: Psychoanalysis and its Vicissitudes

by Edward Timms, Naomi Segal

  • Hardback £46.00

In June 1938 Sigmund Freud and his family arrived in London, exiles from Nazi-occupied Austria. Now, seventy years later, Freud's exile, together with the general exodus of psychoanalysts from the... (more)

Before I was I: Psychoanalysis and the Imagination

Before I was I: Psychoanalysis and the Imagination

by Enid Balint

  • Paperback £24.99

This volume is the collected papers of a leading figure in British psychoanalysis. The book is divided into three parts, which show her at work with individual patients, doctors and marital... (more)

The Language of Psychoanalysis

The Language of Psychoanalysis

by Jean Laplanche, Jean-Bertrand Pontalis

  • Paperback £52.99
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Sigmund Freud evolved his theories throughout his lifetime. This entailed many revisions and changes which he himself never tried to standardize rigidly into a definitive conceptual system. The need... (more)

Psychoanalysis and Psychopathology: An Outline of Freud's ideas & their evolution

Psychoanalysis and Psychopathology: An Outline of Freud's ideas & their evolution

by Philip S. Holzman

  • Paperback £65.00

A simple summary of major psychoanalytic concepts and ideas including the theory of neurosis. The development of Freud's theories - modified by his clinical experiences of success and failure - is... (more)

Psychoanalysis and Gender: An Introductory Reader

Psychoanalysis and Gender: An Introductory Reader

by Rosalind Minsky

  • Paperback £39.99

What is object-relations theory and what does it have to do with literary studies? How can Freud's phallocentric theories be applied by feminist critics? The book offers clear and straightforward... (more)

Life and Death in Psychoanalysis

Life and Death in Psychoanalysis

by Jean Laplanche

  • Paperback £28.00

160 pages. (more)

The emptiness of the image: psychoanalysis and sexual differences

The emptiness of the image: psychoanalysis and sexual differences

by Parveen Adams

  • Paperback £36.99

This study argues that psychoanalytic theory retains an overwhelming explanatory strength in relation to questions of sexual difference and representation. It seeks to show how the issue of desire... (more)

Genealogies of the Text Literature, psychoanalysis and politics in mo

Genealogies of the Text Literature, psychoanalysis and politics in mo

by Jeffrey Mehlman

  • Hardback £91.99

Presents and conrasts Freud's and Kraepelin's interpretations of dream speech, and reassesses them in the light of modern linguistics. (more)

Identification Papers: Readings on psychoanalysis, sexuality and culture

Identification Papers: Readings on psychoanalysis, sexuality and culture

by Diana Fuss

  • Paperback £36.99

The notion of identification, especially in the discourse of feminist theory, has come sharply into focus alongside interest in topics such as 'queer performativity', cross-dressing and 'racial... (more)

An Introduction to Psychoanalysis: Contemporary theory and practice

An Introduction to Psychoanalysis: Contemporary theory and practice

by Anthony Bateman, Jeremy Holmes

  • Paperback £38.69 (RRP : £42.99 save £4.30)

A guide to the main principles and practice of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Designed as an introductory text suitable for a wide range of courses, this account presents the core... (more)

Lost Angels: Psychoanalysis and cinema

Lost Angels: Psychoanalysis and cinema

by Vicky Lebeau

  • Paperback £34.99

This study takes Freud's preoccupation with femininity and feminine fantasy as a starting point and goes on to explore his differentiation between masculine and feminine forms of fantasy through... (more)

All the Mothers are One: Hindu India and the Cultural Reshaping of Psychoanalysis

All the Mothers are One: Hindu India and the Cultural Reshaping of Psychoanalysis

by Stanley N. Kurtz

  • Paperback £32.00

An attempt to uncover childhood developmental patterns predicated on norms and practices profoundly different from those on which classical psychoanalytic theory is based. (more)

The Body and the City: Psychoanalysis, Space and Subjectivity

The Body and the City: Psychoanalysis, Space and Subjectivity

by Steve Pile

  • Paperback £34.99

This book maps the key coordinates of meaning, identity, and power across the sites of the body and city. Exploring a wide range of critical thinking, particularly the work of Lebevre, Freud and... (more)

Freud's Paranoid Quest: Psychoanalysis and Modern Suspicion

Freud's Paranoid Quest: Psychoanalysis and Modern Suspicion

by John Farrell

  • Paperback £25.99

John Farrell analyzes the personality and thought of Sigmund Freud in order to give insight into modernity's paranoid character and into the true nature of Freudian psychoanalysis. John Farrell's... (more)

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