Boundaries and Bridges: Perspectives on Time and Space in Psychoanalysis
Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : March 2014
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 192
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 34856
- ISBN 13 : 9781782200826
- ISBN 10 : 1782200827
Also by Andrea Sabbadini
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Time and space provide the coordinates for the exploration of psychological phenomena and, more specifically, of what takes place in the psychoanalyst’s consulting room: in the minds of the two participants, as well as in the complex relationship that develops between them.
Boundaries and Bridges consists of eleven chapters covering, among others, such topics as: the development of a sense of time in children, the temporal dimension of the psychoanalytic setting, the function of the couch in the therapeutic process, the importance of silence, and of sounds, in human development and in the analytic relationship itself.
Illustrated by the case material about a “replacement child” and by several clinical vignettes, the book, as stated in its thought-provoking Introduction, is the author’s attempt to distil some of the ideas which, in the course of almost forty years of analytic work, have emerged as foundations to his thinking and practice.
The book is written in a fluent, easily accessible style. Its content is informed by a variety of psychoanalytic theories underpinning the observations made about the human mind in general, and the clinical situation in particular, but with little technical jargon cluttering up its pages. Reading it should convince even those skeptical about the value of psychoanalysis that our discipline is indeed a powerful tool for the understanding of our most intimate experiences.
Reviews and Endorsements
‘From the first page, Andrea Sabbadini offers us a unique insight into what is mysterious about psychoanalysis: “The term treatment,” he writes, “does not describe the nature of what takes place in my consulting room.” What is it then? With each chapter, I was brought closer to this mystery by allowing myself to share his experiences as a psychoanalyst. In the process, I found myself in the time–space where analysand and analyst develop together, not unlike acrobats when they dare to let go of the trapeze. Sabbadini has a very personal way of “speaking” to the readers, making them feel at home in his psychoanalytic world.’
— Jean-Michel Quinodoz, psychoanalyst and author of Reading Freud: A Chronological Exploration of Freud’s Writings
‘Elegantly written, Boundaries and Bridges moves fluently between everyday life, cultural phenomena, and the consulting room. Each page has lively examples and new ideas, all woven together into a rich and thought-provoking tapestry.’
— Michael Brearley, psychoanalyst and Fellow of the Institute of Psychoanalysis in London
‘This wonderful book is the mature outcome of Andrea Sabbadini’s unique skill in creating new, surprising connections between theoretical thoughts, clinical observations, and cultural life. Boundaries and Bridges shows the specific capacity of a creative, harmonious, contemporary psychoanalyst, who is able to expand and integrate the richness of psychoanalysis both into, and between, the internal and external world.’
— Stefano Bolognini, President of the International Psychoanalytical Association
About the Author(s)
Andrea Sabbadini, CPsychol, is a Fellow of the British Psychoanalytical Society and its Director of Publications. He works in private practice in London, is a Senior Lecturer at UCL, a trustee of the Freud Museum, the director of the European Psychoanalytic Film Festival, and the chairman of a programme of films and discussions at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA). He is also the founder editor of Psychoanalysis and History and the Film Section editor of The International Journal of Psychoanalysis. He has edited books on time, on paranoia and on cinema, and is the author of Moving Images (Routledge), forthcoming in 2014.
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