The Time Cure: Overcoming PTSD with the New Psychology of Time Perspective Therapy

Book Details
- Publisher : Jossey Bass
- Published : 2012
- Cover : Hardback
- Pages : 256
- Category :
Trauma and Violence - Catalogue No : 33666
- ISBN 13 : 9781118205679
- ISBN 10 : 9781118205
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The Time Cure shows how those living with PTSD can shift their Time Perspectives to change the way they think about past traumatic experiences, get away from the "Fatalistic Present" mindset, and focus more on a positive future. This effective approach can be used by individuals seeking self-help or their loved ones, therapists and counselors, or anybody who wants to move forward to a more positive future.
* Offers a proven approach for those suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder
* Contains self-assessments for PTSD sufferers
* The authors have successfully applied Time Perspective Therapy for more than two decades with those diagnosed with PTSD
* Includes the techniques that have caught the attention of the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff who wants to know how the approach can be applied to veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan
Written by an internationally known psychologist and a PTSD specialist, this book is filled with techniques that offer hope for tomorrow.
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