Organisational Psychology Books

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The Future of Leadership: Leveraging Influence in an Age of Hyper-Change

The Future of Leadership: Leveraging Influence in an Age of Hyper-Change

by Michael A. Genovese

  • Paperback £48.99

The Future of Leadership considers how the rapid changes of today will affect the leaders of tomorrow. Renowned Leadership scholar Michael A. Genovese argues that one of the key challenges for future... (more)

Leading at All Levels: Using Systemic Ideas to Get the Most out of the Workplace

Leading at All Levels: Using Systemic Ideas to Get the Most out of the Workplace

by Annette MacArtain-Kerr

  • Paperback £34.99

This is an innovative text which aims to make systemic ideas available to a wider market for the first time. A central theme is to get maximum benefit out of the workplace. These ideas will appeal... (more)

Death and the City: On Loss, Mourning, and Melancholia at Work

Death and the City: On Loss, Mourning, and Melancholia at Work

by Susan Kahn

  • Paperback £32.99
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Organisational collapse is part of our vernacular. Enron, Woolworths, Lehman’s, Bank of America, Rover, BOAC, Northern Rock – these failures are part of our cultural experience of work. At a time... (more)

Work and Organizational Psychology: Second Edition

Work and Organizational Psychology: Second Edition

by Ian Rothmann, Cary L. Cooper

  • Paperback £39.99

Psychologists have been fascinated by the world of work, and the changing relationship between people, technology and the workplace, since the onset of the industrial revolution. And in providing a... (more)

Gender, Power and Organization: A Psychological Perspective: Second Edition

Gender, Power and Organization: A Psychological Perspective: Second Edition

by Paula Nicolson

  • Paperback £42.99

Work organisations are a major site of gender politics for professional women and men and although there are more women in senior positions than ever before, these increased opportunities have not... (more)

Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol.15 No.2

Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol.15 No.2

Edited by Aaron J. Nurick, Nadine Riad Tchelebi

  • Paperback £19.99


Understanding Organisational Dynamics and Leadership: A Comparison of Four Perspectives
- Seth Allcorn

Group Relations as Ritual (from seduction to translation)... (more)

The Oxford Handbook of Management Theorists

The Oxford Handbook of Management Theorists

by M. & Warner Witzel

  • Paperback £30.00

Concurrent with the increasing complexity of the field of management, the need to re-examine the foundations from which its theories have advanced has become ever more important and useful. The... (more)

The Psychoanalysis of Organizations: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Behaviour in Groups and Organizations

The Psychoanalysis of Organizations: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Behaviour in Groups and Organizations

by Robert De Board

  • Paperback £44.99

One of the most pressing needs of modern society is to understand and construct organizations that are not only effective in terms of carrying out work but that also allow and encourage people to... (more)

True Tales of Organisational Life

True Tales of Organisational Life

by Barbara-Anne Wren

  • Paperback £19.99

The context in which healthcare is delivered continues to be one of extreme organisational turbulence and increasing workload, factors that exacerbate the anxiety felt by staff about keeping... (more)

Psychopathology of Work: Clinical Observations

Psychopathology of Work: Clinical Observations

Edited by Christophe Dejours

  • Paperback £21.99

This book examines the processes at issue in the onset of psychiatric disorders linked to stress in the workplace. Six clinical observations are presented: an acute psychosomatic decompensation... (more)

Office Politics: How to Thrive in a World of Lying, Backstabbing and Dirty Tricks

Office Politics: How to Thrive in a World of Lying, Backstabbing and Dirty Tricks

by Oliver James

  • Paperback £12.99

The modern working world is a dangerous place, where game-playing, duplicity and sheer malevolence are rife. Do talent and hard work count for nothing? Is politics everything? In this fascinating... (more)

Coaching Psychology: A Practitioner's Guide

Coaching Psychology: A Practitioner's Guide

by Ho Law

  • Paperback £33.25

Coaching Psychology: A Practitioner's Guide takes an in-depth look at the applications and everyday challenges faced by real-world practitioners of coaching and mentoring psychology, and is ideal as... (more)

The Psychology of Coaching, Mentoring and Learning

The Psychology of Coaching, Mentoring and Learning

by Ho Law

  • Paperback £34.95

The Psychology of Coaching, Mentoring and Learning addresses the psychological principles upon which organizational and industrial coaching and mentoring is based. The new edition of this text is... (more)

Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol.14 No.2

Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol.14 No.2

Edited by Aaron J. Nurick, Nadine Riad Tchelebi

  • Paperback £19.99


Authority Relations in Group Relations Conferences and in “Real Life” Group Relations Conferences - Danish Design I

- Ulla Charlotte Beck and Steen Visholm

Learning From Experience... (more)

Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol.14 No.1

Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol.14 No.1

Edited by Anne-Marie Cummins, Michael Moskowitz

  • Paperback £19.99


Siblings and the Psychosocial
- Juliet Mitchell

What do Participants Learn at Group Relations Conferences?
- Tracy Wallach

Virtual Experiences in... (more)

Business Coaching International: Transforming Individuals and Organizations: Second Edition

Business Coaching International: Transforming Individuals and Organizations: Second Edition

by Sunny Stout-Rostron

  • Paperback £46.99

'You simply must read this book if you are serious about being a top-notch business coach. It is an excellent guide to best practices based on clear theory, experience and business wisdom.'

- Carol... (more)

Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization (Second Edition)

Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization (Second Edition)

by Peter M. Senge

  • Print £25.00

The Fifth Discipline draws the blueprints for an organisation where people expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nutured,... (more)

Group Dynamics and Team Interventions: Understanding and Improving Team Performance

Group Dynamics and Team Interventions: Understanding and Improving Team Performance

by Timothy M. Franz

  • Paperback £31.95

Strong teams can be one of the greatest strengths of an organization-just as poor teams can spell disaster. Group Dynamics and Team Interventions brings research and practice together to offer... (more)

Cultural Change and Leadership in Organizations: A Practical Guide to Successful Organizational Change

Cultural Change and Leadership in Organizations: A Practical Guide to Successful Organizational Change

by Jaap J. Boonstra

  • Paperback £34.25

Cultural Change and Leadership in Organizations discusses ways in which organizations are able to implement successful strategic change; inspirational and conceptual material is combined with... (more)

The Dark Side of Transformational Leadership: A Critical Perspective

The Dark Side of Transformational Leadership: A Critical Perspective

by Dennis Tourish

  • Paperback £36.99

Most research into leadership has presented leaders as heroic, charismatic and transformational 'visionaries'. The leader, whether in business, politics or any other field, is the most important... (more)

Resource-ful Consulting: Working with your Presence and Identity in Consulting to Change

Resource-ful Consulting: Working with your Presence and Identity in Consulting to Change

by Karen Izod, Susan Rosina Whittle

  • Paperback £31.99

Consultants and practitioners working with change can feel at a loss as to how to help their clients move forward. Organisations get stuck in routine ways even when they have innovations in mind.... (more)

Fanaticism in Psychoanalysis: Upheavals in the Institutions

Fanaticism in Psychoanalysis: Upheavals in the Institutions

by Manuela Utrilla Robles

  • Paperback £22.99

'This is a scholarly study in which the author explores a difficult subject matter that has been a tabooed topic in psychoanalysis. She undertakes a serious study of the underlying arguments as to... (more)

Creating a Coaching Culture for Managers in Your Organisation

Creating a Coaching Culture for Managers in Your Organisation

Edited by Dawn Forman, Mary Joyce

  • Paperback £27.99

Creating a Coaching Culture for Managers in Your Organisation is for managers, leaders and coaches interested in extending the practice of coaching to achieve broader organisational outcomes. The... (more)

New Frontiers in Work and Family Research

New Frontiers in Work and Family Research

Edited by Joseph Grzywacz, Eva Demerouti

  • Paperback £48.99

The purpose of this volume is to showcase alternative theoretical and methodological approaches to work and family research, and present methodological alternatives to the widely known shortcomings... (more)

Thinking Through Crisis: Improving Teamwork and Leadership in High-Risk Fields

Thinking Through Crisis: Improving Teamwork and Leadership in High-Risk Fields

by Amy L. Fraher

  • Paperback £25.99

Bridging the gap between theory and practice, this strikingly original analysis of the complex dynamics of high-risk fields demonstrates that teamwork is more important than technical prowess in... (more)

Key Concepts in Leadership

Key Concepts in Leadership

by Jonathan Gosling, Ian Sutherland

  • Paperback £29.99

Introducing, explaining and contextualizing current leadership conceptsthis book cross-references each of the entries to provide a clear definition, an explanation of historical usage and lay out... (more)

Coaching and Mentoring: A Critical Text

Coaching and Mentoring: A Critical Text

by Simon Western

  • Paperback £43.99

Coaching is often discussed as if it is a new 'profession' without adequate attention to how it has evolved, what underpins its practice or its training methods. Situating coaching in a wider social... (more)

Humanness in Organisations: A Psychodynamic Contribution

Humanness in Organisations: A Psychodynamic Contribution

Edited by Leopold Vansina

  • Paperback £35.99

Humanness in Organizations is a unique contribution from the social sciences to the betterment of organizational life. The authors argue that working life can only become more humane when we change... (more)

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