Autism and Aspergers Books

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Autism, Brain and Environment

Autism, Brain and Environment

by Richard Lathe

  • Print £23.99

This important and groundbreaking text provides a closely-argued scientific case for the involvement of both environmental and physiological factors in autism. Lathes argument will also have a direct... (more)

Asperger Syndrome in Adolescence: Living with the Ups, the Downs and the Things in Between.

Asperger Syndrome in Adolescence: Living with the Ups, the Downs and the Things in Between.

Edited by Liane H. Willey

  • Paperback £14.99

Childhood and adult experiences of individuals with Asperger Syndrome (AS) are becoming increasingly well documented, yet the crucial formative teenage years have, so far, been neglected. Adolescence... (more)

Asperger Syndrome and Psychotherapy: Understanding Asperger Perspectives

Asperger Syndrome and Psychotherapy: Understanding Asperger Perspectives

by Paula Jacobsen

  • Paperback £16.99

Paula Jacobsen, an experienced child psychotherapist, demonstrates how to interpret classic analytic and psychodynamic theories in relation to people with AS and explains how revised theories of... (more)

Giggle Time: Establishing the Social Connection

Giggle Time: Establishing the Social Connection

by Susan Aud Sonders

  • Paperback £14.99

This work is a step-by-step programme for parents, teachers and other professionals to help develop the non-verbal, verbal and social reciprocity skills of children with autism. It covers how to... (more)

Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Transactional Developmental Perspective

Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Transactional Developmental Perspective

Edited by Amy Miller Wetherby, Barry M. Prizant

  • Hardback £52.00

This cross-disciplinary reference offers a thorough overview of the communication, language, social, and behavioral issues characteristic of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Based on meticulous... (more)

A Guide to Asperger Syndrome

A Guide to Asperger Syndrome

by Christopher Gillberg

  • Paperback £49.99

Asperger syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder, usually with life-long consequences for social interaction and behaviour. The disorder is neurodevelopmental and symptoms appear in the preschool... (more)

An Asperger Marriage

An Asperger Marriage

by Christopher Slater-Walker

  • Paperback £14.99

'This book is the first of its kind and is an essential read for couples, parents and professionals involved or interested in gaining a deeper understanding into the uncharted territory of Asperger... (more)

Music Therapy, Sensory Integration and the Autistic Child:

Music Therapy, Sensory Integration and the Autistic Child:

by Dorita S. Berger

  • Print £24.99

Written in a way that is both informative for the professional and accessible for parents, this book furthers the already strong case for the use of music therapy as a resource to encourage... (more)

Home Educating Our Autistic Spectrum Children

Home Educating Our Autistic Spectrum Children

by Terri Dowty, Kitt Cowlishaw

  • Print £24.99

School can be a nightmare for children on the autistic spectrum. Far from learning social skills at school, they may find themselves in a hostile environment where they suffer teasing, bullying, and... (more)

User's Guide to GF/CF Diet for Autism, Asperger Syndrome and AD/HD

User's Guide to GF/CF Diet for Autism, Asperger Syndrome and AD/HD

by Luke Jackson

  • Paperback £14.99

As the evidence increases that gluten free and casein free diets can really improve symptoms in certain developmental disorders, Jaqui Jackson decided to try it out with her sons Luke, Joe and Ben. (more)

Caring for a Child with Autism: A Practical Guide for Parents

Caring for a Child with Autism: A Practical Guide for Parents

by Martine Ives, Nell Munro

  • Print £21.99

This comprehensive and readable guide answers the questions commonly asked by parents and carers following a diagnosis of autism. (more)

Finding You, Finding Me

Finding You, Finding Me

by Phoebe Caldwell

  • Print £14.99

Phoebe Caldwell's remarkable new book makes accessible for the first time the complex, intricate inner and sensory worlds of people whose learning disabilities are combined with autistic... (more)

Hitchhiking through Asperger Syndrome

Hitchhiking through Asperger Syndrome

by Lise Pyles

  • Print £21.99

Written from a parent's perspective, this book gives a candid and thoughtful account of one family's trek through the world of Asperger's Syndrome. The author makes it very clear that, while... (more)

Of Mice and Aliens: An Asperger Adventure

Of Mice and Aliens: An Asperger Adventure

by Kathy Hoopmann

  • Paperback £10.99

The sequel to Blue Bottle Mystery, this is a science-fiction novel for children, with a difference. Ben is learning to cope with his newly diagnosed Asperger Syndrome, but when an alien crash-lands... (more)

Survival Strateges for People on the Autism Spectrum

Survival Strateges for People on the Autism Spectrum

by Mark Fleisher

  • Print £14.99

Marc Fleisher's new self-help guide for autistic teenagers and adults will help readers improve their quality of life and overcome many everyday challenges, be it through the acquisition of... (more)

Succeeding with Interventions for Asperger Syndrome Adolescents: A Guide to Communication and Socialisation in Interaction Therapy

Succeeding with Interventions for Asperger Syndrome Adolescents: A Guide to Communication and Socialisation in Interaction Therapy

Edited by John Harpur, Michael Fitzgerald

  • Print £21.99

This vital new book presents effective strategies to tackle the specific difficulties in social interaction and communication that are experienced by adolescents with Asperger Syndrome (AS). Focusing... (more)

Different Croaks for Different Folks: All About Children with Special Learning Needs

Different Croaks for Different Folks: All About Children with Special Learning Needs

by Midori Ochiai

  • Hardback £13.99

This engaging colour illustrated book explores the difficulties faced by 'frogs with a different croak'. Aimed at children with autism and related spectrum conditions, Teacher Toad's lessons pick up... (more)

Developing Resilience in Young People with Autism Using Social Stories

Developing Resilience in Young People with Autism Using Social Stories

by Siobhan Timmins

  • Paperback £9.99

Young people with autism can be particularly susceptible to setbacks, often leading to depression and a sense of hopelessness. Using Social Stories(TM), this book introduces a different way of... (more)

Autism and Solution-Focused Practice

Autism and Solution-Focused Practice

by Els Mattelin, Hannelore Volckaert

  • Paperback £13.99

To help clients with autism think differently about their future, practitioners need to think differently about autism...Solution-focused practice is founded on a firm belief that the full potential... (more)

The Asperger Teen's Toolkit

The Asperger Teen's Toolkit

by Francis Musgrave

  • Paperback £13.99

Dealing with the everyday realities facing teens with Asperger Syndrome, this book presents a toolkit of tried-and-trusted ideas to help them work through difficulties and find the solutions that... (more)

Creative Response Activities for Children on the Spectrum: A Therapeutic and Educational Memoir

Creative Response Activities for Children on the Spectrum: A Therapeutic and Educational Memoir

by David R. Henley

  • Paperback £34.99

Written by a nationally recognized authority on child art therapy, Creative Response Activities for Children on the Spectrum is a clear, comprehensive, and intuitive guide that offers a wide... (more)

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