Aaron T. Beck, MD, is the founder of Cognitive therapy, and University Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania, President Emeritus of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Dr. Beck is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Albert Lasker Clinical Medical Research Award, the American Psychological Association (APA) Lifetime Achievement Award, the American Psychiatric Association Distinguished Service Award, the Robert J. and Claire Pasarow Foundation Award for Research in Neuropsychiatry, and the Institute of Medicine's Sarnat International Prize in Mental Health and Gustav O. Lienhard Award. He has worked extensively with personality disorders and has been an investigator on two studies using cognitive therapy with borderline personality disorder.
From pioneering treatment developers, this book describes recovery-oriented cognitive therapy (CT-R). This evidence-based approach empowers people given a serious mental health diagnosis such as... (more)
This best-selling classic work shows how psychotherapists can effectively treat depressive disorders. Case examples generously illustrate a wide range of strategies and techniques - from initial... (more)
This classic describes the cognitive approach to psychopatholgy and psychotherapy and how to apply it. (more)
Cognitive therapy offers a well-documented and cost-effective psychosocial treatment model for working with substance abuse disorders. Comprehensive and accessible, this volume clearly details the... (more)
This is the definitive work on the cognitive model of schizophrenia and its treatment. The volume integrates cognitive-behavioral and biological knowledge into a state-of-the-science conceptual... (more)
The last two decades have seen tremendous advances in understanding and treating anxiety disorders. Cognitive therapy approaches, in particular, have achieved a broad basis of empirical support. This... (more)
Aaron T. Beck and colleagues, this is the definitive work on the cognitive model of schizophrenia and its treatment. The volume integrates cognitive-behavioral and biological knowledge into a... (more)
Updating and reformulating Aaron T. Beck's pioneering cognitive model of anxiety disorders, this book is both authoritative and highly practical. The authors synthesize the latest thinking and... (more)
Out-of-control anxiety can be disabling – limiting where sufferers can go and what they can do, impeding life goals, and causing frightening physical symptoms. Yet effective treatments are available,... (more)
This pragmatic guide from a stellar team of authors including Cognitive Therapy originator Aaron T. Beck describes how to implement proven cognitive and behavioral addiction treatment strategies in a... (more)
This widely used practitioner resource and training tool is the definitive work on understanding and treating personality disorders from a cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) perspective. The... (more)
This text presents and critically evaluates the scientific and empirical status of Beck's revised cognitive theory and therapy of depression, and discusses future directions for it. This work... (more)
Grounded in decades of CBT research and clinical practice, as well as cutting-edge cognitive science, this book provides critical tools for understanding and treating the full range of addictive... (more)