Roger Kennedy

Roger Kennedy

Roger Kennedy is a psychoanalyst in private practice, a training analyst and President of the British Psychoanalytical Society. He is Consultant Psychiatrist at the Family Unit, Cassel Hospital, and author of nine previous books, including Psychotherapists as Expert Witnesses (2005), and The Many Voices of Psychoanalysis (2007). He is also a published poet.

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Showing 1 to 11 of 11 items
The Evil Imagination: Understanding and Resisting Destructive Forces

The Evil Imagination: Understanding and Resisting Destructive Forces

by Roger Kennedy

  • Paperback £23.39 (RRP : £25.99 save £2.60)
  • eBook £20.99 (RRP : £25.99 save £5.00)
  • Paperback + eBook £27.99 (RRP : £46.98 save £18.99)

Roger Kennedy has written a masterful investigation into the concept of evil. He begins with a general view of the subject before moving into more detailed analysis. First is a review of the science... (more)

The Psychic Home: Psychoanalysis, Consciousness and the Human Soul

The Psychic Home: Psychoanalysis, Consciousness and the Human Soul

by Roger Kennedy

  • Paperback £42.99

The Psychic Home: Psychoanalysis of Consciousness and the Human Soul develops, from a number of different viewpoints, the significance of home in our lives. Roger Kennedy puts forward the central... (more)

The Power of Music: Psychoanalytic Explorations

The Power of Music: Psychoanalytic Explorations

by Roger Kennedy

  • Paperback £22.49 (RRP : £24.99 save £2.50)
  • eBook £19.99 (RRP : £24.99 save £5.00)
  • Paperback + eBook £26.99 (RRP : £44.98 save £17.99)

Emotion is an integral aspect of musical experience; music has the power to take us on an emotional and intellectual journey, transforming the listener along the way. The aim of this book is to... (more)

Psychoanalysis, History and Subjectivity: Now of the Past

Psychoanalysis, History and Subjectivity: Now of the Past

by Roger Kennedy

  • Paperback £34.99

Clinical psychoanalysis since Freud has put reconstruction of the patient's history at the forefront of its task but in recent years, this approach has not been so prominent. This book aims to... (more)

Tolerating Strangers in Intolerant Times: Psychoanalytic Political and Philosophical Perspectives

Tolerating Strangers in Intolerant Times: Psychoanalytic Political and Philosophical Perspectives

by Roger Kennedy

  • Paperback £32.99

In this interdisciplinary and wide-ranging study, Roger Kennedy looks at the roots of tolerance and intolerance as well as the role of the stranger and strangeness in provoking basic fears about our... (more)

Freedom to Relate: Psychoanalytic Explorations

Freedom to Relate: Psychoanalytic Explorations

by Roger Kennedy

  • Paperback £16.95

What is the relationship between psychoanalysis and human freedom? Does psychoanalysis enhance it? Is it coercive? What are the limits? These may appear to be deceptively simple questions, but Roger... (more)

Child Abuse, Psychotherapy and the Law: Bearing the Unbearable

Child Abuse, Psychotherapy and the Law: Bearing the Unbearable

by Roger Kennedy

  • Paperback £18.95

Those working with families in the field of child abuse often find themselves becoming intimately involved with family law. A legal framework can aid those working in the field, and a... (more)

Psychotherapists as Expert Witnesses: Families at Breaking Point

Psychotherapists as Expert Witnesses: Families at Breaking Point

by Roger Kennedy

  • Paperback £34.99

The book describes the author's extensive experience of working as an expert witness in family courts. It provides detailed guidance for assessing families for the courts, as well giving many... (more)

The Many Voices of Psychoanalysis

The Many Voices of Psychoanalysis

by Roger Kennedy

  • Paperback £36.99

The Many Voices of Psychoanalysis spans over thirty years of Roger Kennedy's work as a practicing psychoanalyst, providing a fascinating insight into the process of development of psychoanalytic... (more)

Couch Tales: Short Stories

Couch Tales: Short Stories

by Roger Kennedy

  • Paperback £18.99

A psychoanalyst sits in his consulting room waiting for the next patient. Thoughts, feelings and anxieties about his own current life begin to assault him. Partly as a way of dealing with the crisis... (more)

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy After Child Abuse: The Treatment of Adults and Children Who Have Experienced Sexual Abuse, Violence, and Neglect in Childhood

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy After Child Abuse: The Treatment of Adults and Children Who Have Experienced Sexual Abuse, Violence, and Neglect in Childhood

Edited by Daniel McQueen, Roger Kennedy

  • Paperback £35.99

This book presents a coherent and readable narrative review of current views on the effects and role of psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the treatment of children and adults who have experienced... (more)

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