Treating Relationship Distress and Psychopathology in Couples: A Cognitive-Behavioural Approach

Author(s) : Donald H. Baucom, Author(s) : Melanie S. Fischer, Author(s) : Sarah Corrie, Author(s) : Michael Worrell, Author(s) : Sara E. Boeding

Treating Relationship Distress and Psychopathology in Couples: A Cognitive-Behavioural Approach

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Close relationships and mental health are two key ingredients to living a meaningful, fulfilled life. These two domains are the central focus of Treating Relationship Distress and Psychopathology in Couples: A Cognitive-Behavioural Approach. As expert clinicians, trainers, and researchers in the field of cognitive-behavioural couple therapy and couple-based interventions for psychopathology, the authors offer a highly accessible volume for experienced clinicians and trainees alike.

This book details the most recent innovations in CBCT, a principle-based, flexible treatment approach for couples with a wide range of relationship concerns, circumstances, and stages of life. Based on a clear conceptual framework, readers learn how to address individual and couple functioning in an integrated, comprehensive manner and how to apply principle-based interventions that directly flow from this framework.

Treating Relationship Distress and Psychopathology in Couples was written by a team of five authors, born in four different countries and working together as a team for a number of years, providing a cohesive framework based on work in a variety of contexts. While staying close to research findings that inform treatment, they provide a text for clinicians at all levels of training and experience in working with couples.

About the Author(s)

Sarah Corrie is a chartered psychologist and consultant clinical psychologist. She has extensive experience in both public and private sector services, and runs her own practice as well as working as a freelance writer, trainer, and lecturer. She is Programme Director of the Postgraduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy offered by Royal Holloway University of London and Central and North West London Foundation Trust.

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