Toward a Unified Psychoanalytic Theory: Foundation in a Revised and Expanded Ego Psychology

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : July 2021
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 342
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 95691
- ISBN 13 : 9780367767532
- ISBN 10 : 0367767538
Also by Morris N. Eagle
Subjective Experience: Its Fate in Psychology,...
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This book aims to integrate different psychoanalytic schools and relevant research findings into an integrated psychoanalytic theory of the mind.
A main claim explored here, is that a revised and expanded ego psychology constitutes the strongest foundation not only for a unified psychoanalytic theory, but also for the integration of relevant research findings from other disciplines. Sophisticated yet accessible, the book includes a description of the basic tenets of ego psychology and necessary correctives and revisions. It also discusses research and theory on interpersonal understanding, capacity for inhibition, defense, delay of gratification, autonomous ego aims and motives, affect regulation, the nature of psychopathology; and the implications of a revised and expanded ego psychology for approaches to treatment.
The book will appeal to readers who are interested in psychoanalysis, the nature of the mind, the nature of psychopathology, and the implications of theoretical formulations and research findings for approaches to treatment. As such, it will also be of great value on graduate and training courses for psychoanalysis.
Reviews and Endorsements
"Morris Eagle has an integrative mind that is in a class of its own within psychoanalytic theory and beyond. This book accurately integrates almost all developments in the last decades into the best established framework of psychoanalytic science and advances an exciting new vision of contemporary psychoanalysis remarkable not just for its clarity but for opening fresh clinical vistas. A virtuoso achievement of great value to our community." - Peter Fonagy, Professor of Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Developmental Science.
"In this impressive and scholarly contribution, Morris Eagle breathes new life into ego psychology. A resuscitation effort is quite timely as ego psychology has gradually been edged out of psychoanalytic discourse and replaced with themes derived from object relations, self psychology, attachment theory, and relational approaches. The author makes a splendid argument for how an updated and more comprehensive approach to ego psychology may be more user-friendly than the partial theories that seem to be more popular today. He points out that a unified psychoanalytic theory of the mind must rest on the placement of a "personal element", the "I", at the center of the theory. In this regard, he reminds us that our subjective experience is the core of true ego psychology. I highly recommend this extraordinary new book to all those who care about the future of psychoanalysis." - Glen O. Gabbard, MD, Training and Supervising Analyst, Center for Psychoanalytic Studies in Houston.
"Along with four co-edited books, this is Morris Eagle's fifth authored book, another classic. His lifelong line of research comes full circle. In this book, he confronts a central issue of our field today: the possibility of a unified psychoanalytic theory, the foundation for which, he convincingly argues, should be a corrected, revised, and expanded ego psychology Here the fil rouge that characterized all his previous books and papers is more evident than ever: he is not satisfied with remaining at the theoretical level, where we know he excels; he relentlessly connects psychoanalytic theory and clinical issues to theory and research from related disciplines. No doubt, this book will be a reference point for the entire psychoanalytic community, will be translated in other languages and will be used as a vital source for graduate courses and education and training programs in psychoanalysis." - Paolo Migone, M.D., editor of the journal Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane.
About the Author(s)
Morris Eagle, Ph.D., ABPP, is Professor Emeritus at the Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies, Adelphi University, and faculty at the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis and the Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies. He has received numerous awards, has presented widely, and is the author of over 150 articles and book chapters as well as 4 books.
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