The Therapeutic Relationship: Transference, Countertransference, and the Making of Meaning

Author(s) : Jan Wiener

The Therapeutic Relationship: Transference, Countertransference, and the Making of Meaning

Book Details

  • Publisher : Texas A&M University Press
  • Published : 2017
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 168
  • Category :
    Jung and Analytical Psychology
  • Catalogue No : 40421
  • ISBN 13 : 9781623495480
  • ISBN 10 : 1623495482
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While C. G. Jung had a natural intuitive understanding of the transference and countertransference, his lack of a coherent method and clinical technique for working with transference and his ambivalence and mercurial attitude to matters of method, have, in the words of therapist and Jungian scholar Jan Wiener, sometimes left Jungians who are eager to hone their knowledge and skills in this area floundering and confused. Her aim in this important book is to lay the groundwork for the development of a more contemporary Jungian approach to working with transference and countertransference dynamics within the therapeutic relationship. Her work is also informed by knowledge from other fields, such as philosophy, infant development, neuroscience, and the arts.

In The Therapeutic Relationship, Wiener makes a central distinction between working in the transference and working with the transference, advocating a flexible approach that takes account of the different kinds of attachment patients can make to their therapists. She develops her own concept of the transference matrix, a model that honors one of Jung's core beliefs in the development of a symbolic capacity as an essential task of psychotherapy, but at the same time acknowledges that a capacity to symbolize can only emerge through relationship.

About the Author(s)

Jan Wiener is a Training Analyst and Supervisor for the Society of Analytical Psychology. She was Vice President of the IAAP from 2010 – 2013 with particular responsibility for the development of analytical psychology in different parts of the world, especially in Eastern Europe. She is author/editor of four books and numerous chapters and papers on themes such as training, transference, ethics and supervision.

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