The Evolution of Relational Paradigms in Transactional Analysis: What's the Relationship Got to Do With It?

Editor : William F. Cornell, Editor : Helena Hargaden

The Evolution of Relational Paradigms in Transactional Analysis: What's the Relationship Got to Do With It?

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In this fascinating and robust volume, the editors have compiled a collection of articles that provides an account of their individual theoretical journeys as they trace the evolution of relational transactional analysis. They re-examine the term 'relational', offering the reader a multiplicity of ways in which to conceptualise the theory of transactional analysis from a truly pluralistic perspective. This collection of 14 stunning articles from the Transactional Analytic Journal, written over a period of nearly three decades, traces the evolutionary process of a way of thinking that incorporates both theoretical innovations and advanced methodological ideas.

Central to the themes of this book is a theoretical understanding of the bidirectionality of the relational unconscious, alongside a methodology that not always, but most often, demands a two-person methodology in which the therapist's subjectivity comes under scrutiny. Uniquely useful as a research tool for psychotherapists interested in the most up to date psychological theories, this book offers a perspective on relational theory that is both respectful and critical. It will be of enormously useful to the trainee, the researcher, the clinician and the supervisor and will help inform the development of a clinical dialectical mind.d …

About the Editor(s)

William F. Cornell, MA, teaching and supervising transactional analyst, maintains an independent prvate practice of therapy, consultation, and training in Pittsburgh, USA. He is a co-editor of the Transactional Analysis Journal and has published extensively in a broad range of journals and psychotherapy books. He is the author of Explorations in Transactional Analysis: The Meech Lake Papers, editor of James McLaughlin's The Healer's Bent: Solitude and Dialogue in the Clinical Encounter, and co-editor with Helena Hargaden of From Transactions to Relations: The Emergence of a Relational Tradition in Transactional Analysis.

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Helena Hargaden, DPsych., teaching and supervising transactional analyst, MSc, is a UKCP integrative psychotherapist. Helena is director of relational Transactional Analysis studies in Kent. She is co-author with Charlotte Sills of Transactional Analysis: A Relational Perspective, and co-editor with William F. Cornell of From Transactions to Relations. She is an international trainer and supervisor and has a clinical practice in London and Sussex.

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