Into TA: A Comprehensive Textbook on Transactional Analysis

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : January 2016
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 444
- Category :
Transactional Analysis - Catalogue No : 36050
- ISBN 13 : 9781782202066
- ISBN 10 : 1782202064
Also by William F. Cornell
Also by Trudi Newton
Also by Anne De Graaf
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Transactional Analysis (TA) has continued to grow and develop ever since its inception by the Canadian-American psychiatrist Dr Eric Berne over a half century ago. It has proven itself to be an extremely useful model for human relations professionals working in a variety of contexts and fields, such as psychotherapy, coaching and counselling, management and organisational development, or parenting and education. TA combines a highly accessible theory on the development of people and systems with a highly practical approach, centred on the possibilities of change, growth and development.
Into TA is a comprehensive textbook of contemporary TA in theory and practice. The first section of the book focuses on theory, presented so that both beginning and experienced professionals will find much of value. TA theory is then further integrated with other current models of psychology, education, and organisational consultation. The second section provides rich and stimulating examples of TA in practice that brings the theory to life.
Reviews and Endorsements
‘Into TA is a much-needed overview of contemporary thinking and practice. The authors have successfully applied a format in which readers with different levels of insight or experience in transactional analysis can find their way. In each chapter the authors take the reader on a journey from basic to deeper and broader understanding of the concepts and their context, making bridges to other psychological and organisational theories. By paying attention to the development of theory and practice, the book integrates the notions of changing by insight and changing by doing. In the tradition of Eric Berne, this is a highly recommended book for professionals, clients and patients.’
- Servaas van Beekum, teaching and supervising transactional analyst, social scientist and past president of EATA and ITAA; winner of the 2015 Eric Berne Memorial Award
‘This great book responds to a perceived need in the TA community, something completely new in the literature: a comprehensive textbook of TA theory and practice. The book offers a rich and detailed review on the development of TA theory, which is covered from its beginning to the more recent advancements. It roots Transactional Analysis in a fascinating way into the contemporary discoveries of psychology and neurosciences and presents a complete connection and integration of TA with other psychological theories and approaches. A highly appreciated book, an invaluable present for transactional analysts.’
- Marco Mazzetti, psychiatrist, teaching and supervising transactional analyst, past president of EATA; winner of the 2012 Eric Berne Memorial Award
About the Editor(s)
William F. Cornell, MA, teaching and supervising transactional analyst, maintains an independent prvate practice of therapy, consultation, and training in Pittsburgh, USA. He is a co-editor of the Transactional Analysis Journal and has published extensively in a broad range of journals and psychotherapy books. He is the author of Explorations in Transactional Analysis: The Meech Lake Papers, editor of James McLaughlin's The Healer's Bent: Solitude and Dialogue in the Clinical Encounter, and co-editor with Helena Hargaden of From Transactions to Relations: The Emergence of a Relational Tradition in Transactional Analysis.
More titles by William F. Cornell
Anne de Graaf, MSc, is a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst in the field of Management and Organisational Development. For many years he worked for a large (TA based) consultancy firm in the Netherlands. Currently he is the co-owner and teacher/supervisor at one of the largest TA training institutes in the world, TA academie. He is also the co-author of the successful TA management book Einstein and the Art of Sailing.
Trudi Newton is a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst in Education and discovered transactional analysis about twenty-five years ago, and since then has used it in all areas of life and enjoyed introducing others to its delights and benefits through training, supervision and personal connection. Now a writer, researcher and consultant working with other educators to facilitate radical learning and community development, she previously delivered TA training in Cambridge and London, UK, and in other countries including Russia and South Africa. She has written several books including Tactics, (with Rosemary Napper), which looks in detail at the process of learning and teaching.
Moniek Thunnissen, MD, PhD, is a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst in psychotherapy. She is a psychiatrist working in her own company for treatment, supervision, consultation and training. In the TA Academy in Soesterberg she developed the TA psychotherapy program. As a psychiatrist-psychotherapist she worked in Psychotherapeutic Centre De Viersprong for sixteen years and completed her PhD research on the long term results of the TA program for patients with personality disorders. Later she was the director of training for psychiatrists in the mental hospital in Bergen op Zoom. She is the author of seven books and numerous articles on TA, psychotherapy and psychiatry. She was Vice President of Research and Innovation of the International Transactional Analysis Association and is part of the Editorial Board of the Transactional Analysis Journal.
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