Sexual Abuse and the Sexual Offender: Common Man or Monster?
Part of The Forensic Psychotherapy Monograph series - more in this series
Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : July 2016
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 254
- Category :
Forensic - Category 2 :
Trauma and Violence - Catalogue No : 37764
- ISBN 13 : 9781782203896
- ISBN 10 : 1782203893
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Sexual Abuse and the Sexual Offender examines the myths perpetuated by the media and widely held by the public, by providing actual data, with case examples, to demonstrate how sexual offending occurs, who commits these acts, what might cause such crimes, how sexual offenders are assessed, supervised and treated, and how to prevent such offending from occurring to the reader or to members of her or his own family.
This book is not a textbook on how to assess or treat sexual offenders for a clinical audience. Rather, it aims to educate the general public about how experts in this field diagnose, analyze, assess and treat such offenders and what steps they may take to prevent such abuse in the future. It describes, with actual case examples, how we recognize a variety of offenders, how to separate them and assess their risk, and how to avoid becoming prey to them.
The book is intended for those interested in the phenomenon of sexual offending and for those who have been affected by it or know someone, perhaps a family member or friend, who has undergone such abuse. It also should be of interest for families eager to protect their children from such abuse, and to college students interested in protecting themselves against such abuse in the future.
Of key importance, this book corrects the common assumption that all sexual offenders are depraved predators who are strangers to their victims. In fact, the vast majority of sexual offenses are committed by otherwise seemingly normal men who are well-known, and even well-loved, within their families and communities. Also of crucial importance will be the fact that the vast majority of sexual offenders, once treated, are at very low risk to re-offend. In fact, sexual offenders represent the lowest risk group to re-offend amongst all offenders released from prisons or other institutions. Sections include the separation of offenders into meaningful categories, the actual frequency of sexual offending, its possible origins, the justice system’s methods of supervising offenders, the instruments employed to measure risk, and how clinicians actually treat offenders in the therapy process.
Reviews and Endorsements
‘In the first book of its kind written for a lay audience, Dr. Barry Maletzky challenges the myths surrounding individuals who have offended sexually and encourages the reader to re-examine his or her existing beliefs. Sexual behavior problems are not the province of the dirty old man hiding in the bushes. Men, women, children, co-workers, and neighbors may be labeled sexual offenders. Dr. Maletzky provides examples of different types of offenders, using examples from his many years’ experience of treating them. He discusses evaluation and treatment methods, including the controversial penile plethysmograph, the efficacy of treatment, prognosis for change, and recidivism rates. This text is a “must-read” for those who want to learn more about the phenomenon of sexual deviancy and form their opinions about those who “cross the line” based on reason, not emotion.’
— Cynthia Steinhauser, PhD, LCSW, Director of the Sexual Abuse Clinic, Portland, Oregon
‘I cannot think of any person better suited to write a book for the public about sexual offenders than Dr. Barry Maletzky. Without in any way dismissing the harmful effects of sexual offending, Dr. Maletzky shows that the proper treatment and management of these offenders is in the best interest of society. He shows quite clearly that treating these offenders and managing them appropriately not only reduces future victimization, it also saves society a considerable amount of money. When governments and their agents act responsibly in accordance with evidence, then we and our families and friends will be safer. Dr. Maletzky has, in this book, provided the public a significant and valuable service. I hope other readers will enjoy this book as much as I did.’
— William Marshall, Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, Queen’s University, Canada; from the Foreword
About the Author(s)
Dr Barry Maletzky graduated from Columbia University with a BA and from Stony Brook Medical School with an MD. He completed a residency in psychiatry at the Oregon Health Sciences University in 1971. Following two years of service in the military, he entered the practice of psychiatry in Portland, OR in 1973. Dr Maletzky began specializing in several fields in psychiatry, including the treatment of severe depression, the use of electroconvulsive therapy, and the assessment and treatment of sexual offenders. In 1978 he founded the Sexual Abuse Clinic to treat sexual offenders and their victims. Since that time, the clinic has become one of the largest and most established such clinics in the world.
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