Selected Papers of Salman Akhtar

Author(s) : Salman Akhtar

Selected Papers of Salman Akhtar

Book Details

  • Publisher : Karnac Books
  • Published : May 2023
  • Cover : Hardback
  • Pages : 3968
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 97099
  • ISBN 13 : 9781800131323
  • ISBN 10 : 9781800131

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In Short: Private Notes of a Psychoanalyst

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Salman Akhtar is a Professor of Psychiatry, a Training and Supervising Analyst, a member of numerous editorial boards, winner of many awards, including the highly prestigious Sigourney Award, a writer of several hundred articles, a poet, and the author or editor of over one hundred books. A modern-day Renaissance man, his elegant writing is simultaneously scholarly and literary and brings a light touch to profound material. Phoenix Publishing House is proud to present his most inspiring works in a stunning ten-volume hardback set, fit to grace the shelves of collectors and libraries with its high-quality finish.

Table of Contents

Part I – Specific Personality Disorders
– Schizoid Personality Disorder (1987)
– Hypomanic Personality Disorder (1988)
– Narcissistic Personality Disorder (1989)
– Paranoid Personality Disorder (1990)
– Borderline Personality Disorder (1992)
– Antisocial Personality Disorder (1992)
– Histrionic, Schizotypal, Masochistic, and ‘As-If’ Personality Disorders (1992/2020)
Part II: Some Other Character Types
– The Other Woman (1985)
– The Shy Narcissist (2000)
– The Voyeur (2019)
– The Work Addict (2019)
– The Hoarder (2019)

Part I: Metapsychology
– On Freud’s ‘Negation’ (2011)
– On Freud’s ‘The Unconscious’ (2013)
– On Freud’s ‘Repression’ (2020)
Part II: Motivation
– Aggression (1995)
– On Freud’s ‘Beyond the Pleasure Principle’ (2011)
Part III: Polarities
– Kohut vs Kernberg (1988)
– The Need-Wish Distinction (1999)
Part IV: Structure
– Object Constancy (1994)
– Identity (1999)
Part V: Fantasy
– The Prolonged Embrace Fantasy (1991/2020)
– Tethers, Orbits, and Invisible Fences (1992)
– ‘Someday…’ and ‘If-Only…’ Fantasies (1996)
– The Schizoid Wish to Die and Be Reborn (2009)

– Hatred (1999)
– Deception (2009)
– Guilt (2013)
– Betrayal (2013)
– Fear (2014)
– Greed (2014)
– Revenge (2014)
– Hopelessness (2015)
– Shamelessness (2016)
– Jealousy (2017)
– Mistrust (2017)
– Regret (2017)
– Arrogance (2018)

– Love (1999)
– Forgiveness (2002)
– Happiness (2010)
– Playfulness (2011)
– Goodness (2011)
– Generosity (2012)
– Gratitude (2013)
– Courage (2013)
– Dignity (2015)
– Patience (2015)
– Curiosity (2017)
– Humility (2018)
– Intimacy (2019)
– Privacy (2019)

Part I: Setting
– The Analyst’s Office (2009)
– The Analyst’s Attitude (2009)
– Initial Assessment (2009)
– Boundaries (2009)
– Money (2009)
Part II: Listening
– Listening in Four Different Ways (2013)
– Listening to Silence (2013)
– Listening to Actions (2013)
– Listening to Oneself (2013)
– Impediments to Listening (2013)
Part III: Interventions
– From Simplicity Through Contradiction to Paradox (1998)
– From Schisms Through Synthesis to Informed Oscillation (2000)
– Understanding and Managing Disruptions (2009)
– Understanding and Managing Suicidal Threats (2009)
– Refusing to Listen to Certain Kinds of Material (2013)
– Psychoanalytic Treatment of Trauma and the Analyst’s Personality (2014)
– Development Facilitating Interventions (2022)

Part I: Leaving and Arriving
– Four Tracks of Identity Transformation Following Immigration (1995)
– Psychosocial Variables Associated with Immigration (1999)
– The Trauma of Geographical Dislocation (2007)
Part II: Being and Becoming
– Work and Money (2011)
– Sex and Marriage (2011)
– Friendship and Socialization (2011)
– Politics and Religion (2011)
Part III: The Dusk and the Dawn
– Encountering Middle Age and Getting Old (2011)
– The Next Generation (2011)
Part IV: Treatment Considerations
– Guidelines for Treating Immigrant Patients (1999/2007)
– Guidelines for Treating the Offspring of Immigrant Parents (1999/2011)
– Child and Family Interventions, Community Outreach, and Psychoanalytically Informed Advice (1999)
– The Immigrant Therapist (1999/2006)

– Psychoanalysis and Culture: Theory and Technique (2013)
Part I: Global Turmoil
– Racial, Religious, and Ethnic Prejudice (2007)
– Mental Pain of Minorities (2014)
– Violence (with Shawn Blue, 2017)
Part II: Islam and Muslims
– Muslims in the Psychoanalytic World (2008)
– Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the Founder of Pakistan (with Manasi Kumar, 2008)
– The So-Called Radical Islamic Terrorism (2018)
Part III: Essays Pertaining to India
– Psychoanalysis in India (with Pratyusha Tummala-Narra, 2005)
– Bollywood and the Indian Unconscious (with Komal Choksi, 2005)
– Hindu-Muslim Relations in India (2005)
– Where Is India in My Psychoanalytic Work? (2015)
– Psychoanalysis and Culture: Education and Training (2018)

Part I: Formative Experiences
– The Role of a Mentor (2000)
– Early Relationships and Their Internalization (2005)
– What Does the Mother Do? (2012)
Part II: The Unfolding Life Span
– Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence (2020)
– Young Adulthood, Midlife, and Getting Old (2020)
Part III: Developmental Derailments and Trauma
– The Evolution of a Psychotic Core (1997)
– Parental Divorce (With Shawn Blue, 2016)
– Sexual Abuse (With Shawn Blue, 2019)
Part IV: Non-Human Environment
– Animals (With Jodi Brown, 1995)
– Things (2003)

Part I: Death
– Freud’s ‘Todesangst’ and Ghalib’s ‘Ishrat-E-Qatra’ (2010)
– Mortality (2011)
– Graves (2011)
– Orphans (2011)
– Bereavement (2017)
– Three Movies Focusing Loss and Bereavement (with Beverly Shin, 2019)
– Spaces for Mourning (2021)
Part II – Writing
– Mental Pain and The Cultural Ointment of Poetry (2000)
– Writer’s Block (2003)
– A Bit of Prose about Poetry (2008)
– Why I Write (2020)
Part III – Miscellaneous Subjects
– Dehumanization (2003)
– Narcissistic Love Relations (2009)
– On Some Inanimate Reincarnations of Freud (2006)
– On Freud’s ‘Future of an Illusion’ (2013)
– Listening in Non-Clinical Situations (2013)
– Cultural Aspects of Antisocial Personality Disorder (with Jessica Zoltani, 2018)

Part I: Book Reviews
– Norman Kiell’s Freud Without Hindsight (1990)
– Adam Limentani’s Between Freud and Klein (1992)
– Christopher Bollas’ Being a Character (1993)
– Roger Lewin & Clarence Schulz’s Losing and Fusing (1995)
– Murray Meisels & Esther Shapiro’s Tradition and Innovation in Psychoanalytic Education (1995)
– Frank Yeomans, Michael Selzer, & John Clarkin’s Treating the Borderline Patient (1995)
– Thomas Ogden’s Subjects of Analysis (1996)
– Stanley Kurtz’s All the Mothers Are One (1997)
– Frank Summers’ Object Relations Theories (1997)
– Fred Pine’s Diversity and Direction in Psychoanalytic Technique (1999)
– Paul Elovitz & Charlotte Kahn’s Immigrant Experiences (1999)
– Joseph Sandler & Ann-Marie Sandler’s Internal Objects Revisited (1999)
– Peter Giovacchini’s Impact of Narcissism (2003)
– Susan Kolodny’s The Captive Muse (2003)
– Ron Aviram’s The Relational Origins of Prejudice (2010)
– Chris Jaenicke’s Change in Psychoanalysis (2012)
– Otto Kernberg’s The Inseparable Nature of Love and Aggression (2012)
– James Davies’ The Importance of Suffering (2013)
– Jackie Gerrard’s The Impossibility of Knowing (2013)
– Jerome Blackman’s The Therapists’ Answerbook (2014)
– Stefano Bolognini’s Secret Passages (2014)
– Gemma Corradi Fiumara’s Spontaneity (2014)
– Gohar Homayounpour’s Doing Psychoanalysis in Tehran (2014)
– Peter Rudnytsky’s Rescuing Psychoanalysis from Freud (2014)
– Jon Sletvold’s The Embodied Analyst (2014)
– Mikita Brottman’s Phantoms of the Clinic (2015)
– Andrea Sabbadini’s Boundaries and Bridges (2015)
– Madeline Barranger & Willy Barranger’s The Work of Confluence (2016)
– Marcianne Blevis’ Jealousy (2016)
– Anca Carrington’s Money as Emotional Currency (2016)
– Andrea Celenza’s Erotic Revelations (2016)
– Prophecy Coles’ The Shadow of the Second Mother (2016)
– Leticia Glocer Fiorini’s Deconstructing the Feminine (2016)
– Sudhir Kakar’s The Analyst and the Mystic (2016)
– Osamu Kitayama’s Prohibition of Don’t Look (2016)
– Leo Rangell’s The Road to Unity in Psychoanalytic Theory (2016)
– Frances Thomson Salo’s You and Your Baby (2016)
– Michael Shoshani Rosenbaum’s Dare to Be Human (2016)
– Julia Beltsiou’s Immigration in Psychoanalysis (2017)
– Richard Summers & Dilip Jeste’s Positive Psychiatry (2020)
– Joan Wheelis’ The Known, the Secret, the Forgotten (2020)
– Patrick Casement’s Credo? (2020)
Part II: Forewords
– Richard Sterba’s The First Dictionary of Psychoanalysis (2014)
– Ira Brenner’s The Handbook of Psychoanalytic Holocaust Studies (2019)
– Michael Shoshani & Batya Shoshani’s Narcissism and Perversion (2020)
– Sudhir Bhave & Sushil Gawande’s Cyber Psychiatry (2020)
Part III: Commentaries
– Marvin Margolis’ Paper on Maternal Incest (1991)
– Ernest Wolf’s Paper on Self-Psychology (1994)
– Carlotta Miles’ Paper on African Americans (1998)
– Calvin Settlage’s Paper on Childhood Parental Loss (2001)
– Ilany Kogan’s Paper on Craving For Oneness (2006)
– Lucy Lafarge’s Paper on Transferences Of Deception (2007)
– Helmut Thoma’s Paper on Psychoanalytic Technique (2007)
– Stanley Coen’s Paper on Helping Patients Bear the Unbearable (2016)
– Otto Kernberg’s Paper on Specific Transferences in Severe Personality Disorders (2020)

About the Author(s)

Salman Akhtar, MD, was born in India and completed his medical and psychiatric education there. Upon arriving in the USA in 1973, he repeated his psychiatric training at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, and then obtained psychoanalytic training from the Philadelphia Psychoanalytic Institute. Currently, he is Professor of Psychiatry at Jefferson Medical College and a training and supervising analyst at the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia. He has authored, edited or co-edited more than 300 publications including books on psychiatry and psychoanalysis and several collections of poetry. He is also a Scholar-in-Residence at the Inter-Act Theatre Company in Philadelphia. Salman Akhtar received the Sigourney Award in 2012.

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