Making Spaces: Putting Psychoanalytic Thinking to Work

Editor : Kate Cullen, Editor : Liz Bondi, Editor : Judith Fewell, Editor : Eileen Francis, Editor : Molly Ludlam

Making Spaces: Putting Psychoanalytic Thinking to Work

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : June 2014
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 320
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 33534
  • ISBN 13 : 9781780491653
  • ISBN 10 : 1780491654
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This book argues for the value and application of psychoanalytic thinking beyond, as well as within, the consulting room. Inspired by a Scottish psychoanalytic tradition that owes much to W.R.D. Fairbairn and J.D. Sutherland, the Scottish Institute of Human Relations has provided a valuable reference point for the work described in the book. It illustrates how the coming together of human beings into a shared space fosters opportunities to create loving, collaborative relationships in which to work and from which to grow. The book’s first section explores how psychoanalytic thinking developed in Scotland, while section two focuses on work with children, families and couples, showing how psychoanalytic perspectives can be used to strengthen capacities for loving relationships. The chapters in section three show how psychoanalysis can be applied in such varied settings as psycho-social research, education, institutional development and organisational consultancy. The fourth section pursues this theme further, considering the potential of psychoanalytic concepts to enhance work in religious ministry, in medical and psychiatric services, and in understanding the processes of ageing. The book shows how psychoanalytic thinking can be put to work in a variety of professional contexts to create spaces in which we learn to love, work and grow.

Reviews and Endorsements

'Making Spaces is a marvellous book, extending the reach of psychoanalytic thought and practice in many original and surprising ways, while reaffirming the liveliness of a distinctively Scottish tradition of psychoanalytic work. Alongside papers of great clinical and observational sensitivity and depth are chapters that search out new and unfamiliar inter-disciplinary territories. Insightful, engaged, and rich with the wisdom of clinical and social experience, this book should be read by everyone wanting to develop meaningful forms of psychoanalytic practice for the twenty-first century.'
- Andrew Cooper, Professor of Social Work, The Tavistock Centre and the University of East London

'The expert contributors to Making Spaces have provided a highly valuable, thought-provoking, and interdisciplinary exploration of the human relations perspective in psychodynamic theory and practice. This historically informed and culturally sensitive volume opens up new spaces for thinking from a psychodynamic relational perspective, whether about practice inside the clinic or the wider world of organisational and community life. As well as appealing to academics and students, this book will be of great interest to mental health professionals, particularly counsellors and psychotherapists, and to others involved in the caring professions, such as clergy and social workers.'
- Dr Gavin Miller, Medical Humanities Research Centre, University of Glasgow

About the Editor(s)

Kate Cullen is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist in private practice. She trained initially as a teacher and worked in secondary schools in the UK and in West Africa. Her work as a pastoral care teacher led her to train as a counselling psychologist and later to train as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist at the London Centre for Psychotherapy. On returning to Scotland in 2006, she joined SIHR (the Scottish Institute of Human Relations) and worked in the Adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Service. She has a private practice in Fife.

Liz Bondi is Professor of Social Geography at the University of Edinburgh, where she contributes to professional education in Counselling and Psychotherapy, primarily at doctoral level. She began her academic career in human geography, which she continued while training part-time in counselling. After completing her training she joined SIHR. Combining her academic background in human geography (and the social sciences more generally) with her interest in counselling and psychotherapy, she has lead or contributed to a series of research projects about the cultural shaping of counselling and psychotherapy in Scotland. She also applies ideas from counselling and psychotherapy to the developing field of “emotional geographies”. She is founding editor of the journal Emotion, Space and Society and author of numerous academic papers as well as co-editor or co-author of several books. She is a COSCA-accredited counsellor who maintains a small practise in the voluntary sector.

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Judith Fewell is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist in private practice in Edinburgh and Honorary Fellow at the University of Edinburgh. For many years she worked as a freelance trainer within the statutory and voluntary sectors in Scotland delivering workshops and courses based on psychodynamic thinking for professionals and volunteers whilst training as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist at the SIHR. She took up a post at the University of Edinburgh in Counselling and Psychotherapy during the course of which she contributed to the development and delivery of the postgraduate Diploma in Counselling, supervised masters and doctoral students and participated in the research programme. She has held a long term interest in, and commitment to, the single case study as a legitimate form of research into psychotherapeutic practices and understandings. This has led her to explore and write about how personal and professional narratives of the psychotherapist can help illustrate and illuminate psychoanalytic theory and practice.

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Eileen Francis worked as a speech and language therapist in health and education settings before becoming a lecturer in the Speech Unit at Moray House Institute of Education, Edinburgh. She later became a member of the department of professional and curriculum support studies and was appointed senior lecturer. She is a former President of the Scottish Educational Research Association and chaired the Board of SIHR from 2005-2010.

Molly Ludlam MA, is a couple and individual psychoanalytic psychotherapist and contributor to many books and journals, and was the founding editor of Couple & Family Psychoanalysis (2011-2019). Now retired from clinical practice, and as a course teacher and examiner, she currently focuses on consulting and writing.

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Customer Reviews

Our customers have given this title an average rating of 5 out of 5 from 1 review(s), add your own review for this title.

Shirley Ogilvie on 07/11/2014 13:09:14

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This book does what the cover says it will do. It explains psychoanalytic thinking at work by illustrating how thinking spaces have been created within a whole range of settings from CAMHS teams to Residential Care homes for the Elderly. The cover image of Anthony Gormley's 'Exposure' I think is an significant lead in to the book itself. It evokes the wish to explore the space laid out in the book. The editor's carefully chose this image to show space apparent. There it starts and one is drawn in to explore with each author of each chapter how they within there own discipline and training have applied psychoanalytic thought to give meaning to the most complex situations. As well as tracing the roots of the Scottish Psychoanalytic Tradition this book covers a wide range of ways of developing and applying that way of thinking in contemporary society. Opening up spaces: Making space to love: Making space to Work: Making space to Grow are the titles of the four parts of work, the space of the book itself strikes one as carefully crafted and woven together by these themes. Reminding one of the mesh man by Gormley on the front cover, he like the contributors has taken time out to think & reflect as has the reader.
From the embryonic development of psychoanalytic thinking in Scotland to the over view and introduction onto the fifteenth and final chapter on thinking psychoanalytically in later life it covers a range of ways of applying psychoanalytic thought.
This narrative that runs through the whole text in one form or the other that is - find ways of applying psychoanalytic thinking, de mystify it for ordinary people as well as co workers and fellow professionals. Take time, take space to think and reflect about complex matters in the lives of children, adolescents, adults & families to pursue meaning and understanding.

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