Family Dramas: Intimacy Power and Systems in Shakespeare's Tragedies

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : December 2018
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 312
- Category :
Family, Couple and Systemic Therapy - Catalogue No : 94055
- ISBN 13 : 9781138335776
- ISBN 10 : 9781138335
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Most of Shakespeare's tragedies have a family drama at their heart. This book brings these relationships to life, offering a radical new perspective on the tragic heroes and their dilemmas. Family Dramas: Intimacy, Power and Systems in Shakespeare's Tragedies focuses on the interactions and dialogues between people on stage, linking their intimate emotional worlds to wider social and political contexts. Since family relationships absorb and enact social ideologies, their conflicts often expose the conflicts that all ideologies contain. The complexities, contradictions and ambiguities of Shakespeare's portrayals of individuals and their relationships are brought to life, while wider power structures and social discourses are shown to reach into the heart of intimate relationships and personal identity. Surveying relevant literature from Shakespeare studies, the book introduces the ideas behind the family systems approach to literary criticism. Explorations of gender relationships feature particularly strongly in the analysis since it is within gender that intimacy and power most compellingly intersect and frequently collide. For Shakespeare lovers and psychotherapists alike, this application of systemic theory opens a new perspective on familiar literary territory.
About the Author(s)
Gwyn Daniel is a systemic psychotherapist and trainer at the Tavistock Clinic who has experience of working in both children's services and in adult mental health. She has run workshops on this topic in London, Oxford, Belfast and Sydney. She is co-author of Gender and Family Therapy (with Charlotte Burck), Growing Up in Stepfamilies (with Gill Gorell Barnes, P. Thompson and N. Burckhardt) and co-editor of Mirrors and Reflections: Processes in Systemic Supervision (with Charlotte Burck) as well as many other professional articles and book chapters. She has taught widely in the UK and internationally on many topics, including children and post divorce conflicts, systemic approaches to families where there is parental mental illness and on systemic couple's therapy. She continues to find ideas about gender and power central to her understanding of family relationships and organisational dilemmas.
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