Depending on Strangers: Freedom, Memory, and the Unknown Self

Author(s) : David P. Levine

Depending on Strangers: Freedom, Memory, and the Unknown Self

Book Details

  • Publisher : Karnac Books
  • Published : February 2021
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 192
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 95307
  • ISBN 13 : 9781912691890
  • ISBN 10 : 9781912691
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In this book, David Levine explores the unknown self. The unknown self is the self existing as a potential to become something yet to be determined. The shape our personalities and life experiences take depends on a process. At the outset of this process, the self is, in a sense, a stranger; both to us and to others. The more this is the case, the greater the openness of the process of self-formation to a kind of freedom, which is the freedom from predetermination of its outcome.

In exploring this process, the book considers such topics as: the nature of inner freedom and its relationship to deliberation and choice; stranger anxiety and its connection to group dynamics and social connection; the internal factors that enable us to make the decisions that shape our lives and through our actions realise the ends embedded in our decisions; how our memories shape our choices and the lives we lead that result from them; what makes it possible for us to live comfortably with and depend on people we do not know; concern for the welfare of strangers and how our welfare can be secure in a world where others do not care about us or us about them.

Table of Contents

About the author

Part I: Freedom and Memory
1. Freedom
2. Memory
3. Containment and Deliberation
4. Tradition, Group Attachment, and Stranger Anxiety
5. Willful Change
6. Recording Memories
7. Reparations

Part II: Concern for the Welfare of Others
8. Concern for Others
9. Gratitude
10. Generosity
11. The Need for Strangers


About the Author(s)

David P. Levine is Professor Emeritus in the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver. He holds a PhD in economics from Yale University and a Certificate in Psychoanalytic Scholarship from the Colorado Center for Psychoanalytic Studies. Prior to his retirement, he held academic positions at Yale University and the University of Denver. In addition to his work in political economy, he has published numerous books in the field of applied psychoanalysis, including most recently Psychoanalysis, Society, and the Inner World: On Embedded Meaning in Politics and Social Conflict, Psychoanalytic Studies of Creativity, Greed, and Fine Art: Making Contact with the Self, Object Relations, Work, and the Self, The Capacity for Civic Engagement: Public and Private Worlds of the Self, and The Capacity for Ethical Conduct: On Psychic Existence and the Way We Relate to Others. He is a member of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations and served for several years as a member of the Executive Board of the Colorado Society for Psychology and Psychoanalysis.

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