Couple and Family Psychoanalysis: Volume 13 Number 1 – Special Issue: Private lives in a global storm

Book Details
- Publisher : Phoenix Publishing House
- Published : March 2023
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 128
- Category :
Family, Couple and Systemic Therapy - Category 2 :
Journals & Periodicals - Catalogue No : 97155
Also by James Poulton
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Couple and Family Psychoanalysis is an international journal sponsored by The Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology, which aims to promote the theory and practice of working with couple and family relationships from a psychoanalytic perspective.
EDITORIAL by Lorna Robinson, Julie Friend, and James Poulton
– The personal, the political, and the psychotherapeutic by Christopher Clulow
DOI 10.33212/cfp.v13n1.2023.1
– Facing a new reality: psychotherapy against the background of war by Mira Konina
DOI 10.33212/cfp.v13n1.2023.17
– Symptoms of normality: boundaries, identity, and symbolisation by Fabio Monguzzi
DOI 10.33212/cfp.v13n1.2023.29
– Sabina and me: how thinking about Sabina Spielrein accompanied me through the early pandemic by Kathy Sinsheimer
DOI 10.33212/cfp.v13n1.2023.39
– Family and the turbulent world by Ruth Blay Levisky
DOI 10.33212/cfp.v13n1.2023.56
– The Covid-19 pandemic: mourning in Brazilian families by Glenda Beigler, Marina Figueiredo, Cristiane Lopes, Flávia Steuer, Maria Inês Tassinari, and Myriam Uchitel
DOI 10.33212/cfp.v13n1.2023.69
– How far do current theories and techniques go towards helping the families and couples of today?
By David E. Scharff
DOI 10.33212/cfp.v13n1.2023.84
– Hating, Abhorring and Wishing to Destroy: Psychoanalytic Essays on the Contemporary Moment edited by Donald Moss and Lynne Zeavin. Reviewed by Robert Monzo
– The Marriage Portrait by Maggie O’Farrell. Reviewed by Catriona Wrottesley
– The Burden of Heritage: Hauntings of Generational Trauma on Black Lives by Aileen Alleyne. Reviewed by Naomi Segal
– En thérapie created by Eric Toledano and Olivier Nakache. Reviewed by Wayne Bodkin
– The Beatles: Get Back directed and produced by Peter Jackson. Reviewed by Martha Doniach
Parallel Mothers directed by Pedro Almodóvar. Reviewed by Elle Sidel
About the Editor(s)
Dr James Poulton is a psychologist in private practice in Salt Lake City, Utah, an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Psychology at the University of Utah, and a member of the national faculty of the International Psychotherapy Institute (IPI), based in Washington, DC. He currently serves on the Steering Committee for IPI’s Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program, is the chair of its Curriculum Committee, and is the past co-director of its Salt Lake City Chapter. He has written numerous articles and chapters on psychological treatment and theory, and is the author of Object Relations and Relationality in Couple Therapy: Exploring the Middle Ground and co-author of Internalization: The Origin and Construction of Internal Reality. He has also co-authored two books on the history of art in the American West: LeConte Stewart: Masterworks and Painters of Grand Teton National Park.
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