Organisational Psychology Books

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Sensemaking in Organizations

Sensemaking in Organizations

by Karl E. Weick

  • Paperback £81.00

The teaching of organization theory and the conduct of organizational research have been dominated by a focus on decision-making and the concept of strategic rationality. However, the rational model... (more)

Gender, Sexuality and Violence in Organizations: The Unspoken Forces of Organization Violations

Gender, Sexuality and Violence in Organizations: The Unspoken Forces of Organization Violations

by Jeff Hearn, Wendy. Parkin

  • Print £41.99

Organisations are gendered places and often sexual and violent places too. This volume brings together the themes of gender, sexuality, viole4nce and organisations. Jeff Hearn and Wendy Parker... (more)

Mediation field guide:

Mediation field guide:

by Phillips

  • Print £42.50

This primer. for anyone who wants to use mediation to resolve disputes, explains the inner workings of the mediation process, offers guidelines for selecting and evaluating a mediator and gives... (more)

Storytelling in Organizations: Facts, Fictions, and Fantasies

Storytelling in Organizations: Facts, Fictions, and Fantasies

by Yiannis Gabriel

  • Paperback £57.00

Myths and stories are part of the fabric of organizations, enabling us to identify and communicate the character of the organization. Drawing on fieldwork in five companies, the author demonstrates... (more)

Sex, Work and Sex Work: Eroticizing Organization

Sex, Work and Sex Work: Eroticizing Organization

by Joanna Brewis, Stephen Linstead

  • Print £54.99

This work argues not only that sexuality pervades every aspect of organizations, but also that organization pervades every aspect of our sexuality. This two-way conceptualization lends the book its... (more)

Organizational psychology: A handbook of work and organizational psychology: Volume 4

Organizational psychology: A handbook of work and organizational psychology: Volume 4

by P.J.D. Drenth, H. Thierry

  • Print £22.99

Personnel psychology (or human resource management) examines differences amongst individual employees and the consequences for the organization. All elements that influence the employee/organization... (more)

Preventing stress, improving productivity: European case studies in the workplace

Preventing stress, improving productivity: European case studies in the workplace

by Michiel Kompier, Cary Cooper

  • Print £32.99

This text has gathered together examples of best practice in the workplace across a range of EU countries and organizations. It explores the costs and benefits of stress prevention for workers and... (more)

Organizational Research Methods

Organizational Research Methods

by Paul M Brewerton, Lynne J Millward

  • Paperback £41.99

This timely book provides the reader with clear pointers for how to conduct organisational research appropriately,through planning and making informed and systematic research dicisions, understanding... (more)

Narcissistic Process and Corporate Decay: The Theory of the Organization Ideal

Narcissistic Process and Corporate Decay: The Theory of the Organization Ideal

by Howard S. Schwartz

  • Paperback £23.99

The thesis behind this book is that American industry cannot compete in the marketplace because their organizational structure and management style has become pathologically narcissistic. The theory... (more)

Euphemism, spin and the crisis in organizational life:

Euphemism, spin and the crisis in organizational life:

by Howard F. Stein

  • Print £58.00

This text presents a study of the mystifying language of workplace downsizing, restructuring, reengineering and community disaster, and how we deceive ourselves by masking the true horror of these... (more)

Reflective Enquiry into Therapeutic Institutions

Reflective Enquiry into Therapeutic Institutions

Edited by Lesley Day, Pam Pringle

  • Paperback £34.99

Therapeutic practice needs constant examination to ensure that it remains responsive and dynamic. Living organisms must communicate with their environment if they are to survive, and institutions are... (more)

Social Construction in Context

Social Construction in Context

by Kenneth J. Gergen

  • Paperback £41.99

This latest book by one the world's leading protagonists in the field will be welcomed not just by psychologists but by students, academics and professionals interested in social constructionism... (more)

The Sexuality of Organization

The Sexuality of Organization

Edited by Jeff Hearn, Deborah Sheppard

  • Paperback £30.99

This exciting, critical text explores the pervasiveness of sexuality in organizations, and the interrelations of sexuality and power in the ongoing production and reproduction of organizational life.... (more)

Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization: Developments in Theory and Practice

Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization: Developments in Theory and Practice

Edited by Mark Easterby-Smith, Luis Araujo

  • Paperback £52.00

The debates surrounding concepts of 'organizational learning' and the 'learning organization' receive a welcome synthezis in this book. International experts explore the links between the two fields... (more)

Managing Creativity: The Dynamics of Work and Organization

Managing Creativity: The Dynamics of Work and Organization

by Howard Davis, Richard Scase

  • Paperback £31.99

The creative industries are a growing economic as well as cultural force. This book investigates their organizational dynamics and shows how companies structure their work processes to incorporate... (more)

Rethinking Organizational and Managerial Communication from Feminist Perspectives

Rethinking Organizational and Managerial Communication from Feminist Perspectives

Edited by Patrice M. Buzzanell

  • Paperback £47.99

This book reconsiders organizational and managerial communication theories, research, and practice from a feminist standpoint. It looks at theoretical analyses that reconceptualize and extend... (more)

Organisations, Anxiety and Defence: Towards a Psychoanalytic Social Psychology

Organisations, Anxiety and Defence: Towards a Psychoanalytic Social Psychology

by R.D. Hinshelwood, Marco Chiesa

  • Paperback £50.00

Psychoanalysis has been applied to the understanding of social groups, organisations and cultures for a very long time, and there have been many different approaches. This book brings together the... (more)

When Things Go Wrong: Organizational Failures and Breakdowns

When Things Go Wrong: Organizational Failures and Breakdowns

Edited by Helmut K. Anheier

  • Paperback £47.99

This book deals with the the multi-faceted nature of organizational failure through examination of the organizational, political, cognitive and structural aspects of the phenomenon. 'Failure' is... (more)

Organizational Stress: A Review and Critique of Theory

Organizational Stress: A Review and Critique of Theory

by Cary L. Cooper, Michael P. O'Driscoll

  • Print £67.00

This book examines stress in organisational contexts. The authors review the sources and outcomes of job related stress, the methods used to assess levels and the consequences of occupational stress.... (more)

Organizational consulting: A Gestalt approach

Organizational consulting: A Gestalt approach

by Edwin C. Nevis

  • Paperback £34.99

An exposition of the organizational approach developed by Edwin Nevis and his team, which has been applied to organizational settings that range from hospitals to industry and government. The... (more)

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