This is a story for children who are anxious or obsessional. Willy is an anxious boy who experiences the world as a very unsafe, wobbly place where anything awful might happen at any time. Joe, the... (more)
Discusses bully/victim problems in school and suggests effective ways of counteracting and preventing such problems. The book examines a new intervention programme that has been scientifically... (more)
Children's play has been studied by clinicians as an indicator of the individual's early emotional development. More recently, developmental psychologists have taken an interest in play for what it... (more)
The definitive handbook on peer relations has now been significantly revised with 55% new material. Bringing together leading authorities, this volume presents cutting-edge research on the dynamics... (more)
This book presents the foundational knowledge to ethically and knowledgably integrate yoga into play therapy practice with children and families and create life-long change. The mind-body connection... (more)
All families of children affected by trauma are on a journey, and this book will help to guide you and your family on your journey from trauma to trust. Sarah Naish shares her own experiences of... (more)
The diverse challenges that clinicians and children's workers tasked with safeguarding babies and young children face are complex, and this unique book looks at effective, practice-based and... (more)
Co-written with psychologists and a college student who has experienced anxiety herself, this is a relatable and straightforward guide to managing worry in emerging adulthood. As well as providing... (more)
This unique volume reports on the largest long-term preventive intervention study ever conducted with children at risk for serious violence and poor life outcomes. From first through 10th grade, Fast... (more)
By offering unique analysis and synthesis of theory, empirical research, and clinical guidance in an up-to-date and unbiased context, this book assists health and social care professionals in... (more)
In Understanding and Managing Parental Alienation: A Guide to Assessment and Intervention, Janet Haines, Mandy Matthewson and Marcus Turnbull offer a comprehensive analysis of contemporary... (more)
This vital guide takes a new approach to conduct and oppositional defiant disorders (CD and ODD), presenting the science in an accessible way to empower both parents and practitioners. Vanzin and... (more)
Matthew Brensilver, JoAnna Hardy and Oren Jay Sofer provide a powerful guide to help teachers master the essential competencies needed to successfully share mindfulness practices with teens and... (more)
"I yelled at the kids again--and feel so ashamed." "I barely have time to shower, let alone exercise; no wonder I'm so out of shape." "I'm just not the dad I hoped I would be." Parenting is hard.... (more)
Drawing on Judy Hutchings many years of work with parents and children, The Positive Parenting Handbook is a concise, straightforward guide that offers simple solutions to daily dilemmas. The clear... (more)
Parents can play a strong role in helping their children overcome anxiety disorders--given the right tools. This innovative, research-based book shows clinicians how to teach parents... (more)
Grounded in pioneering research, this authoritative text examines the parenting strategies that help children and adolescents develop into productive, happy members of society. Joan Grusec gives... (more)
Stand up to OCD! Imagine each person's brain has a captain and crew. For a person struggling with OCD, it's as if OCD has kidnapped the captain and changed the settings in the brain. Luckily there... (more)
Counseling at the Beginning is a thorough, practice-based guide for counselors who serve the mental health needs of very young children and their families. Chapters based on current developmental... (more)
Coping with the Death of a Child shows clinicians how to integrate various therapeutic modalities and clinical approaches to grief therapy into one comprehensive model linked to positive... (more)
When children refuse or seem unable to talk about their traumatic memories, it might be tempting to `let sleeping dogs lie'. However, if left untreated, the memories of childhood abuse and neglect... (more)
Childhood anxiety disorders represent one of the most common psychological disorders found among the general population. They can be serious, distressful, and functionally impairing, so much so that... (more)
From a leading addiction specialist, this highly practical book explores what works in treating adolescents. Oscar G. Bukstein answers the clinician's vital question: "What do I do now?" He describes... (more)
This fully revised fourth edition of Identity in Adolescence: The Balance Between Self and Other presents four theoretical perspectives on identity development during adolescence and young adulthood... (more)
New Discoveries in Child Psychotherapy presents eleven new findings in child psychoanalytic research, most of them based on the experience of the clinical consulting room. Each chapter is the work of... (more)
The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Education presents various theories of play and demonstrates how it serves communicative, developmental, and relational functions, highlighting the... (more)
There is growing evidence for the powerful role that music plays in enhancing children's cognitive, social, and emotional development. This is the first book to provide accessible ways for any mental... (more)
This inspirational book tells the stories of 50 real-life teens who've dared to change the world they live in. Bestselling author Margaret Rooke asks teenagers about their experiences of being... (more)
An honest insight into the rollercoaster reality of therapeutically parenting teenagers. Raising any teenager is tough, but raising teens who have experienced trauma in their early years is a whole... (more)
A practical, up-to-date resource for schools on substance use. It covers drug and alcohol use, but importantly also tackles newer concerns for schools, such as the use of performance-enhancing drugs... (more)