Attachment Theory Books

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Therapeutic Attachment Relationships: Interaction Structures and the Processes of Therapeutic Change

Therapeutic Attachment Relationships: Interaction Structures and the Processes of Therapeutic Change

by Geoff Goodman

  • Hardback £74.00

The seventy-five years that span the writings of Sigmund Freud and John Bowlby - two minds that have significantly shaped thinking about the processes of change in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis -... (more)

Changing Minds in Therapy: Emotion, Attachment, Trauma, and Neurobiology

Changing Minds in Therapy: Emotion, Attachment, Trauma, and Neurobiology

by Margaret Wilkinson

  • Hardback £27.00

There is an increasing clinical focus on how recent advances in research on neuroscience, attachment and trauma can be applied to treating patients with a history of early neglect and relational... (more)

A Practical Guide to Caring for Children and Teenagers with Attachment Difficulties

A Practical Guide to Caring for Children and Teenagers with Attachment Difficulties

by Chris Taylor

  • Paperback £22.99

This book guides childcare professionals through attachment theory and provides techniques for caring for children with attachment difficulties. It explains what attachment is, what different... (more)

Infant Losses; Adult Searches: A Neural and Developmental Perspective on Psychopathology and Sexual Offending

Infant Losses; Adult Searches: A Neural and Developmental Perspective on Psychopathology and Sexual Offending

by Glyn Hudson Allez

  • Paperback £46.99

An innovative view of the development of psychopathology and sexual offending. In an exciting synthesis of neuroscience, developmental, and social psychology with forensic and criminal literature, it... (more)

Exploring in Security: Towards an Attachment-Informed Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Exploring in Security: Towards an Attachment-Informed Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

by Jeremy Holmes

  • Paperback £39.99
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This book builds a key clinical bridge between attachment theory and psychoanalysis, deploying Holmes' unique capacity to weld empirical evidence, psychoanalytic theory and consulting room experience... (more)

Telling Stories?: Attachment-Based Approaches to the Treatment of Psychosis

Telling Stories?: Attachment-Based Approaches to the Treatment of Psychosis

Edited by Sarah Benamer

  • Paperback £24.99

Telling Stories? explores the contemporary state of affairs in the understanding and treatment of psychosis. An inclusive approach to mental distress requires that in order to truly understand... (more)

Attachment-Focused Parenting: Effective Strategies to Care for Children

Attachment-Focused Parenting: Effective Strategies to Care for Children

by Daniel A. Hughes

  • Hardback £23.00

Attachment security and affect regulation have long been buzz words in therapy circles, but many of these ideas - so integral to successful therapeutic work with children and adolescents - have yet... (more)

Trauma, Bonding and Family Constellations: Healing Injuries of the Soul

Trauma, Bonding and Family Constellations: Healing Injuries of the Soul

by Franz Ruppert

  • Paperback £17.95

This book explores the different types of trauma experience, along with the bonding theories of John Bowlby and attachment work of Mary Ainsworth and others, forming a multigenerational picture of... (more)

Attachment Theory and Research in Clinical Work with Adults

Attachment Theory and Research in Clinical Work with Adults

Edited by Joseph H. Obegi, Ety Berant

  • Hardback £95.99

Written with the practicing psychotherapist in mind, this invaluable book presents cutting-edge knowledge on adult attachment and explores the implications for day-to-day clinical practice. Leading... (more)

Systemic Therapy and Attachment Narratives: Applications in a Range of Clinical Settings

Systemic Therapy and Attachment Narratives: Applications in a Range of Clinical Settings

by Rudi Dallos, Arlene Vetere

  • Paperback £35.99

Professional interest in the clinical applications of attachment theory continues to grow and evolve, and at the same time narrative approaches are also gaining ground. This book explores how... (more)

The Role of Brief Therapy in Attachment Disorders

The Role of Brief Therapy in Attachment Disorders

by Lisa Wake

  • Paperback £32.99

The Role of Brief Therapy in Attachment Disorders provides a comprehensive summary of the range of approaches that exist within the brief therapy world, including Cognitive Analytic Therapy,... (more)

Attachment and New Beginnings: Reflections on Psychoanalytic Therapy

Attachment and New Beginnings: Reflections on Psychoanalytic Therapy

by Jonathan Pedder

  • Paperback £35.99

This collection of written pieces plots the work of an NHS psychotherapist, Jonathan Pedder, turning the science of psychiatry into human encounters. He had a career teaching and inspiring colleagues... (more)

Trauma and Attachment

Trauma and Attachment

Edited by Sarah Benamer, Kate White

  • Paperback £19.99


Promoting Positive Parenting: An Attachment-Based Intervention

Promoting Positive Parenting: An Attachment-Based Intervention

Edited by Femmie Juffer, Marinus H. van Ijzendoorn

  • Paperback £46.99

Illuminates the successful implementations of one of the few evidence-based parenting intervention programs. More than 20 years ago the editors began experimenting with videotaping parental behavior... (more)

Sweet Sorrow: Love, Loss and Attachment in Human Life

Sweet Sorrow: Love, Loss and Attachment in Human Life

by Alan B. Eppel

  • Paperback £28.99
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This book defines the centrality of love and loss in human life and in human meaning. Bowlby's Attachment theory forms the basis for understanding our selves and our relationships. Alan Eppel... (more)

Brain, Attachment, Personality: An Introduction to Neuroaffective Development

Brain, Attachment, Personality: An Introduction to Neuroaffective Development

by Susan Hart

  • Paperback £48.99

This book is intended as an inspiration and as an introduction to what Susan Hart has called neuroaffective developmental psychology. As an underlying theme throughout the book, she seeks to... (more)

Risking Human Security: Attachment and Public Life

Risking Human Security: Attachment and Public Life

Edited by Marci Green

  • Paperback £32.99
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Most research in the field of attachment is on the experiences of attachment, separation and loss, and their developmental course and effects. This book widens our vision to the public domain, to... (more)

Attachment and Sexuality

Attachment and Sexuality

Edited by Diana Diamond, Joseph D. Lichtenberg

  • Hardback £59.99

The papers featured in Attachment and Sexuality create a dense tapestry, each forming a separate narrative strand that elucidates different configurations of the relationship between attachment and... (more)

Parent-focused Child Therapy: Attachment, Identification and Reflective Functions

Parent-focused Child Therapy: Attachment, Identification and Reflective Functions

Edited by Carol WACHS, Linda Jacobs

  • Print £99.00

Today more pediatric therapists are centering their work on the parent-child relationship and are turning to parents as a primary modality in solving children's problems. This edited collection,... (more)

Separation Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: An Individualized Approach to Assessment and Treatment

Separation Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: An Individualized Approach to Assessment and Treatment

by Andrew R. Eisen, Charles E. Schaefer

  • Paperback £30.99

This unique book presents a research-based approach to understanding the challenges of separation anxiety and helping children, adolescents, and their parents build the skills they need to overcome... (more)

Enhancing Early Attachments: Theory, Research, Intervention, and Policy

Enhancing Early Attachments: Theory, Research, Intervention, and Policy

Edited by Lisa J. Berlin, Lisa Amaya-Jackson

  • Print £40.99

Synthesizing the latest theory, research, and practices related to supporting early attachments, this volume provides a unique window into the major treatment and prevention approaches available... (more)

Attachment Theory in Clinical Work with Children: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice

Attachment Theory in Clinical Work with Children: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice

Edited by David Oppenheim, Douglas F. Goldsmith

  • Hardback £68.99

Attachment research has tremendous potential for helping clinicians understand what happens when parent-child bonds are disrupted, and what can be done to help. Yet there remains a large gap between... (more)

Attachment and Dynamic Practice: An Integrative Guide for Social Workers and Other Clinicians

Attachment and Dynamic Practice: An Integrative Guide for Social Workers and Other Clinicians

by Jerrold Brandell, Shoshana Ringel

  • Hardback £100.00

Contemporary attachment theory both enriches our understanding of human development and informs clinical practice. It examines the relational bonds between young children and their caregivers and... (more)

Attachment in Psychotherapy

Attachment in Psychotherapy

by David J. Wallin

  • Hardback £73.99

This eloquent book translates attachment theory and research into an innovative framework that grounds adult psychotherapy in the facts of childhood development. Advancing a model of treatment as... (more)

Child-Centred Attachment Therapy: The CcAT Programme

Child-Centred Attachment Therapy: The CcAT Programme

by Alexandra Maeja Raicar, Maggie Gall

  • Paperback £22.99

This book describes the development of the Child-Centred Attachment Therapy (CcAT) model of working with children with attachment difficulties. The authors describe, in a vivid and accessible manner,... (more)

Attachment-Focused Family Therapy

Attachment-Focused Family Therapy

by Daniel A. Hughes

  • Hardback £25.00

Attachment theory has primarily been limited to the treatment of individuals. This work equips therapists with the knowledge and tools to apply ideas of attachment, intersubjectivity and affect... (more)

Attachment from Infancy to Adulthood: The Major Longitudinal Studies

Attachment from Infancy to Adulthood: The Major Longitudinal Studies

Edited by Klaus E. Grossmann, Everett Waters

  • Paperback £32.99

This volume provides unique and valuable first hand accounts of the most important longitudinal studies of attachment. Presented are a range of research programs that have broadened our understanding... (more)

Building the Bonds of Attachment: Awakening Love in Deeply Troubled Children: Second Edition

Building the Bonds of Attachment: Awakening Love in Deeply Troubled Children: Second Edition

by Daniel A. Hughes

  • Paperback £40.00

Suitable for social workers, therapists, and parents, this work is a composite case study of the developmental course of one child following years of abuse and neglect. It focuses on both the... (more)

Attachment Disorders: Treatment Strategies for Traumatized Children

Attachment Disorders: Treatment Strategies for Traumatized Children

by Catherine Cain

  • Paperback £44.00

"Attachment Disorders Treatment Strategies for Traumatized Children" is an essential resource for therapists, parents, social workers, DCS workers, foster parents, educators, and child care providers... (more)

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