Attachment Theory Books

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Systemic Therapy and Attachment Narratives: Applications in a Range of Clinical Settings

Systemic Therapy and Attachment Narratives: Applications in a Range of Clinical Settings

by Rudi Dallos, Arlene Vetere

  • Paperback £28.79 (RRP : £31.99 save £3.20)

Systemic Therapy and Attachment Narratives explores how attachment-based ideas can be used in clinical practice by offering a practical and sophisticated exposition of clinical approaches. ... (more)

The Myth of Attachment Theory: A Critical Understanding for Multicultural Societies

The Myth of Attachment Theory: A Critical Understanding for Multicultural Societies

by Heidi Keller

  • Paperback £33.29 (RRP : £36.99 save £3.70)

The Myth of Attachment Theory confronts the uncritical acceptance of attachment theory - challenging its scientific basis and questioning the relevance in our modern, superdiverse and multicultural... (more)

Working with the Developmental Trauma of Childhood Neglect: Using Psychotherapy and Attachment Theory Techniques in Clinical Practice

Working with the Developmental Trauma of Childhood Neglect: Using Psychotherapy and Attachment Theory Techniques in Clinical Practice

by Ruth Cohn

  • Paperback £26.99 (RRP : £29.99 save £3.00)

This book provides psychotherapists with a multidimensional view of childhood neglect and a practical roadmap for facilitating survivors' healing.

Working from a strong base in attachment... (more)

Attachment, Relationships and Food: From Cradle to Kitchen

Attachment, Relationships and Food: From Cradle to Kitchen

by Linda Cundy

  • Paperback £31.99

Using attachment theory as a lens for understanding the role of food in our everyday lives, this book explores relationships with other people, with ourselves and between client and therapist,... (more)

Attachment: The Fundamental Questions

Attachment: The Fundamental Questions

Edited by Ross Thompson

  • Hardback £45.99

The ongoing growth of attachment research has given rise to new perspectives on classic theoretical questions as well as fruitful new debates. This unique book identifies nine central questions... (more)

Measuring Attachment: Developmental Assessment across the Lifespan

Measuring Attachment: Developmental Assessment across the Lifespan

Edited by Everett Waters, Joseph P. Allen

  • Hardback £54.99

This volume provides an in-depth examination of traditional and emerging measures of attachment behavior and representations from infancy to adulthood. Leading authorities share their expertise on... (more)

Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis - Vol.15 No.1

Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis - Vol.15 No.1

Edited by Orit Badouk Epstein

  • Paperback £22.49 (RRP : £24.99 save £2.50)



What happened to you? Attachment theory extended by Simon Partridge


– The history of Scotland’s ACEs movement: grounded in a focus on relationships by... (more)

Terror, Love and Brainwashing: Attachment in Cults and Totalitarian Systems: Second Edition

Terror, Love and Brainwashing: Attachment in Cults and Totalitarian Systems: Second Edition

by Alexandra Stein

  • Paperback £22.49 (RRP : £24.99 save £2.50)

This book explains how people can be radically manipulated by extreme groups and leaders to engage in incomprehensible and often dangerous acts through psychologically isolating situations of extreme... (more)

Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis - Vol.14 No.2

Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis - Vol.14 No.2

Edited by Orit Badouk Epstein

  • Paperback £22.49 (RRP : £24.99 save £2.50)



My lockdown experience, our lockdown experiences by Gülcan Sutton Purser


“What is brave is being part of a majority and standing out, not being... (more)

Attachment and Adult Clinical Practice: An Integrated Perspective on Developmental Theory, Neurobiology, and Emotional Regulation

Attachment and Adult Clinical Practice: An Integrated Perspective on Developmental Theory, Neurobiology, and Emotional Regulation

by Toni Mandelbaum

  • Paperback £26.09 (RRP : £28.99 save £2.90)

This comprehensive volume addresses attachment theory's history as well as its integration with neurobiology, psychophysiology, theories of emotion, regulation theory, and mentalization theory. It... (more)

Attachment-Focused Family Play Therapy: An Intervention for Children and Adolescents after Trauma

Attachment-Focused Family Play Therapy: An Intervention for Children and Adolescents after Trauma

by Cathi Spooner

  • Paperback £29.99

Attachment-Focused Family Play Therapy presents an essential roadmap for therapists working with traumatized youth.

Exploring trauma and attachment through a neurobiological focus, the book lays... (more)

Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis - Vol.14 No.1

Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis - Vol.14 No.1

Edited by Orit Badouk Epstein

  • Paperback £22.49 (RRP : £24.99 save £2.50)



Attachment to Australia as it burns: a personal reflection by Jewel Jones


– Thalassa, Confusion of Tongues, The Unwelcome Child and his Death Drive: Sandor... (more)

The Little Book of Attachment: Theory to Practice in Child Mental Health

The Little Book of Attachment: Theory to Practice in Child Mental Health

by Daniel A. Hughes, Ben Gurney-Smith

  • Paperback £19.99

This book both explains and illustrates how the practice of child mental health professionals can be enhanced, whatever their treatment approach, to encourage engagement, resilience and development... (more)

Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis - Vol.13 No.2

Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis - Vol.13 No.2

Edited by Orit Badouk Epstein

  • Paperback £23.74 (RRP : £24.99 save £1.25)


EDITORIAL - by Orit Badouk Epstein


– Historical section edited by Brett Kahr

Bowlby 1939: “Hysteria in children” and the birth of attachment theory

A neglected... (more)

Doing Psychotherapy: A Trauma and Attachment-Informed Approach

Doing Psychotherapy: A Trauma and Attachment-Informed Approach

by Robin Shapiro

  • Paperback £18.99

Most books about doing psychotherapy are tied to particular psychotherapeutic practices. Here, seasoned clinical author Robin Shapiro teaches readers the ins and outs of a trauma-and... (more)

Attachment in Religion and Spirituality: A Wider View

Attachment in Religion and Spirituality: A Wider View

by Pehr Granqvist

  • Hardback £33.99

Synthesizing diverse strands of theory and research, this compelling book explores the psychology of religion and spirituality through an innovative attachment lens. Pehr Granqvist examines the... (more)

Nurturing Attachments Training Resource: Running Parenting Groups for Adoptive Parents and Foster or Kinship Carers - with Downloadable Materials

Nurturing Attachments Training Resource: Running Parenting Groups for Adoptive Parents and Foster or Kinship Carers - with Downloadable Materials

by Kim Golding

  • Paperback £99.99

Nurturing Attachments Training Resource is a complete group-work programme containing everything you need to run training and support sessions for adoptive parents and foster or kinship carers. Based... (more)

The Cultural Nature of Attachment: Contextualizing Relationships and Development

The Cultural Nature of Attachment: Contextualizing Relationships and Development

Edited by Heidi Keller, Kim Bard

  • Hardback £43.00

It is generally acknowledged that attachment relationships are important for infants and young children, but there is little clarity on what exactly constitutes such a relationship. Does it occur... (more)

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