This book celebrates the eminent contributions by John Steiner to psychoanalytic theory and practice. It contains papers by colleagues and friends concerning one of his most important concepts, the... (more)
R. D. Hinshelwood brings together social science and psychoanalysis which are often held to be opposing schools of thought. His creation of a psychosocial model to develop new insights into politics... (more)
Forensic Psychoanalysis examines the traumatic psychological origins of violence and explores the ways in which such disasters can be prevented and treated.
The book encapsulates Professor Brett... (more)
An up-to-date, practice-oriented handbook for psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
In the newly revised third edition of Introduction to the Practice of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, distinguished... (more)
Decoding group dynamics using depth psychology and mythic archetypes, the authors synthesise post-Jungian ideas about myth with modern theories of group psychology. By understanding the currents and... (more)
Internationally acclaimed for the clarity of his writing and thinking, Ogden radically reconceives psychoanalysis as a therapeutic process in which a person comes not only to better know him- or... (more)
Why was the first Viennese child psychoanalyst murdered by her nephew? Hermine Hug-Hellmuth was much admired by Freud but her tragic end was seen as bringing shame to the psychoanalytic world; her... (more)
This book presents and illustrates the theory and technique of working with young people, their parents, and their families. Wide-ranging in focus from individuals to communities, it gives a... (more)
Identity as a concept does not appear in psychoanalysis until the work of Erik Erikson in the 1950s, but today it is considered a key factor in understanding individuals and groups. It is a concept... (more)
For more than a century, the cultural imagination of psychoanalysis has been assumed and largely continues to be assumed as Western. Although the terroirs of psychoanalysis in South America, France,... (more)