P.C. Sandler

Paulo Cesar Sandler, MD, MSc, MhFAB, is a Training Analyst at the Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de São Paulo, Psychiatrist at the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (IMREA) at the Hospital das Clinicas, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, and author of several books in Portuguese. He has written many papers and book chapters, some of which have been published in English and French. He has translated most of Bion's books and papers into Portuguese and has organized several international meetings on the work of Bion. Dr Sandler currently teaches in a post-graduate course at the University of São Paulo, and at the Institute of Psycho-Analysis of the SBPSP, giving courses about the work of Freud, Klein and Bion. He has worked in private psychoanalytic practice since 1974, having previously worked with psychotics in a traditional in-patient clinic, as well as in group-oriented community psychiatry, including epidemiology of mental disorders, in the local Public Health School.

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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 items
The Language of Bion: A Dictionary of Concepts

The Language of Bion: A Dictionary of Concepts

by P.C. Sandler

  • Paperback £66.99

Considering that introductory books cannot replace an author's original words, and that Bion's concepts are often found to be difficult to grasp, Dr Paulo Sandler has compiled an unusual style of... (more)

A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts: Volume 2: Analytic Function and the Function of the Analyst

A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts: Volume 2: Analytic Function and the Function of the Analyst

by P.C. Sandler

  • Paperback £35.99

'In this magisterial work Paulo Sandler continues to distinguish himself as a foremost scholar on the works of Bion. Already well known for his encyclopedic zeal, this present book continues... (more)

A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts: Volume 3: Verbal and Visual Approaches to Reality

A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts: Volume 3: Verbal and Visual Approaches to Reality

by P.C. Sandler

  • Paperback £32.99

The final book in the three-volume series, A Clinical Application of Bion’s Concepts – a practical companion to the dictionary of concepts The Language of Bion - is divided in four main parts. Part... (more)

An Introduction to W.R. Bion's <i>A Memoir of the Future</i>: Volume One: Authoritative, Not Authoritarian, Psychoanalysis

An Introduction to W.R. Bion's A Memoir of the Future: Volume One: Authoritative, Not Authoritarian, Psychoanalysis

by P.C. Sandler

  • Paperback £42.99

In the last years of his life Bion gathered unusual manuscripts handwritten in his tidy lettering that assumed the form of a trilogy. Finely typed and edited by his dedicated wife, they were named A... (more)

An Introduction to W.R. Bion's <i>A Memoir of the Future</i>: Volume Two: Facts of Matter or a Matter of Fact?

An Introduction to W.R. Bion's A Memoir of the Future: Volume Two: Facts of Matter or a Matter of Fact?

by P.C. Sandler

  • Paperback £38.99

In the last years of his life Bion gathered unusual manuscripts handwritten in his tidy lettering that assumed the form of a trilogy. Finely typed and edited by his dedicated wife, they were named A... (more)

On Freud's 'The Question of Lay Analysis'

On Freud's 'The Question of Lay Analysis'

Edited by P.C. Sandler, Gley Pacheco Costa

  • Paperback £34.03 (RRP : £36.99 save £2.96)

The questions of what psychoanalysis is, and does, and who can and should practice it, remains key within the modern profession. Has the invaluable material packed into Freud's "The Question of Lay... (more)

A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts: Volume 1: Dreaming, Transformation, Containment and Change

A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts: Volume 1: Dreaming, Transformation, Containment and Change

by P.C. Sandler

  • Paperback £48.99

This work depicts clinical applications stemming from Dr Wilfred Ruprecht Bion's contributions to psychoanalysis. It may be used as a practical companion to The Language of Bion: A Dictionary of... (more)

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