David Bell is a Consultant Psychiatrist at the Tavistock Clinic in London, where he directs the Fitzjohn’s Unit, a specialist service for serious/complex psychological disorders. He is visiting Professorial Fellow, Birkbeck College, London and past President of the British Psychoanalytical Society. Throughout his career he has been deeply involved in the relation between psychoanalysis and literature, philosophy and politics, and has made numerous contributions in these areas. He is one of the UK’s leading psychiatric experts in asylum/human rights. He is contributing editor of Reason and Passion and Psychoanalysis and Culture: A Kleinian Perspective.
This book centres on the problem of psychosis, understood from a psychoanalytic perspective, as it manifests itself in different contexts and different levels of organisation: from the individual... (more)
Since it was founded in 1920, the Tavistock Clinic has developed a wide range of developmental approaches to mental health which have been strongly influenced by the ideas of psychoanalysis. It has... (more)
Hanna Segal is one of the best-known living British psychoanalysts. She was one of the first European psychoanalysts to receive the prestigious Sigourney Award for contributions to psychoanalysis.... (more)
Through her numerous books and papers in learned journals, Hanna Segal has made contributions that have profoundly influenced contemporary psychoanalytic thinking. This influence extends far beyond... (more)