Worry Less, Live More: The Mindful Way Through Anxiety Workbook

Book Details
- Publisher : Guilford Press
- Published : 2016
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 240
- Category :
Mindfulness - Category 2 :
Popular Psychology - Catalogue No : 38818
- ISBN 13 : 9781462525454
- ISBN 10 : 1462525458
Also by Susan M. Orsillo
Practitioner's Guide to Empirically Based Measures of...
Price £139.99
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What prevents people from making meaningful changes and achieving their dreams? For many, worry, fear, or negativity are stumbling blocks that can be extraordinarily difficult to overcome. This effective workbook provides a blueprint for using mindfulness to start living life to the fullest. The book is packed with stories, examples, Try This exercises, planning tools, and meditation and acceptance practices that build self-knowledge and self-compassion.
Armed with a deeper understanding of what they really value and how anxiety is holding them back, readers are guided to take a personalized path toward greater emotional freedom. Purchasers can download and print additional copies of the worksheets and forms; audio downloads of the meditations are provided at the companion website. See also the authors' Mindful Way through Anxiety, which explains mindfulness techniques in greater detail. Worry Less, Live More can be used on its own or as the perfect continuation for those who want to practice and expand on the lessons of the first book using a step-by-step approach.
About the Author(s)
Susan M. Orsillo, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at Suffolk University in Boston, where she is actively involved in the education, training, and professional development of undergraduates and doctoral students in clinical psychology.Dr. Orsillo studies how acceptance-based behavioral therapy-informed strategies can help buffer against contextual stressors, build resilience, improve psychosocial functioning, and enhance quality of life. Her research team also has a focus on improving widespread access to evidence-based care. Dr. Orsillo has published over 120 journal articles and book chapters. Her books with Lizabeth Roemer include The Mindful Way through Anxiety and Worry Less, Live More and Acceptance-Based Behavioral Therapy.
More titles by Susan M. Orsillo
Lizabeth Roemer, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Boston, where she is actively involved in research and clinical training of doctoral students in clinical psychology. Dr. Roemer's research examines how people understand, react to, and cope with intense emotional reactions, most often in the contexts of anxiety disorders and posttraumatic functioning. She also supports her students in examining the relevance of cultural and contextual factors in these phenomena, with an emphasis on helping people thrive in the face of discrimination and racism. Her research team has a recent focus on dissemination, health promotion, and identifying and addressing barriers to care. Dr. Roemer has published over 120 journal articles and book chapters. Her books with Susan M. Orsillo include The Mindful Way through Anxiety and Worry Less, Live More and Acceptance-Based Behavioral Therapy.
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