Understanding 4-5-Year-Olds
Part of Understanding Your Child series - more in this series

Book Details
- Publisher : Jessica Kingsley
- Published : January 2007
- Cover : Paperback
- Category :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Category 2 :
Parenting - Catalogue No : 25293
- ISBN 13 : 9781843105343
- ISBN 10 : 1843105349
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Understanding 4-5-year-olds gives a thoughtful overview of the challenges that children face as they gradually move away from a strong attachment to their families and turn towards the wider world of school and life outside the family. Lesley Maroni discusses the critical social and emotional developments at this age, including identity, independence and sibling rivalry, the transition to school and friendships with peers, coping with illness and loss, and gender differences. The author also shows how 4-5-year-olds explore real issues using the protective safety of pretend play and their imagination. This accessible book provides valuable insights and a wealth of case examples that will help parents, educators and carers better understand and relate to children at this demanding, yet exciting, stage of development.
Reviews and Endorsements
The Tavistock Clinic has an international reputation as a centre of excellence for training, clinical mental health work, research and scholarship. Written by professionals working in the Child and Family and the Adolescent Departments, the guides in this series present balanced and sensitive advice that will help adults to become, or to feel that they are, "good enough" parents. Each book concentrates on a key transition in a child's life from birth to adolescence, looking especially at how parents' emotions and experiences interact with those of their children. The titles in the "Understanding Your Child" series are essential reading for new and experienced parents, relatives, friends and carers, as well as for the multi-agency professionals who are working to support children and their families.
Chapter 1: Life at home; Relationship with parents; Sibling rivalry; Imaginative play; Identity within the family; Emotional development
Chapter 2: Starting 'proper' school; Bridging the gap between home and school; Beginnings of friendships; Identity outside the family; Cooperative play; Competitiveness
Chapter 3; Real and make believe; Development of curiosity; Gender differences; The beginnings of bullying; Loneliness versus being alone
Chapter 4: Coping with loss; Obstacles to learning; Illness and other problems; Worrying behaviour
Chapter 5: The need for boundaries; Growing independence.
Customer Reviews
Our customers have given this title an average rating of 4 out of 5 from 1 review(s), add your own review for this title.
srilakshmi on 01/12/2007
(4 out of 5)