Treating The Other Third: Vicissitudes of Adolescent Development and Therapy

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : March 2015
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 304
- Category :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Catalogue No : 36254
- ISBN 13 : 9781782202196
- ISBN 10 : 1782202196
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As “evidence-based research” on psychodynamic psychotherapy for children and adolescents gains momentum, it seems to be following adult psychiatry in moving increasingly toward biomedical/genetic efforts to understand and treat psychopathology. In this process, the clinical developmental model, which traces development and much psychopathology to the interaction between children’s endowment and environment, is being brushed aside in favor of genetic, biochemical and epidemiological efforts despite modest gains of clinical relevance to date from those approaches. As such, single case study continues to have an important place in identifying increasingly accurate clinical paradigms for understanding the development of psychopathology, which in turn leads toward developing more successful therapy. To this end, Treating the Other Third refers to that sizable minority of adolescent patients who fail to respond or refuse psychotropic medication.
Reviews and Endorsements
‘Treating the Other Third might better be titled, “All you need to know that the literature on psychoanalytic psychotherapy doesn’t tell you.” This book is solidly about “treatment”rather than the more limited scope suggested by the section headings, “treatment of severe psychopathology” or “unique outcomes of development.” Read this book and you will be on the edge of your seat as you experience the meticulously researched, yet always provocative, points of view H. Spencer Bloch chooses to explore, always in great depth. Indeed, Dr. Bloch is a masterful clinician and incisive thinker. He understands patients in a way that only a clinician who has devoted years to practice can. As you read, pay close attention to his unique uses of the terms “developmental,” “sponsorship,” and “survivor guilt,” and you will find yourself among the initiated.’
— Steven Frankel, MD, Associate Clinical Professor, University of California, San Francisco; Director, Center for Collaborative Psychiatry, Psychology and Medicine
‘What a refreshing treat to sit by the feet of a seasoned psychodynamic professional such as H. Spencer Bloch. With manualized therapies and biomedical treatments having their day, it is not easy to find wise clinicians who have been in the trenches treating real patients every day for many years, for more than, say, twelve sessions each. In this book, Dr. Bloch takes us on an impassioned journey to an experience-near understanding of adolescents and their developmental needs and vulnerabilities. Although I disagree with his assertions about homosexuality and social issues, and found them overgeneralized, he is thought-provoking. But when he discusses cases he shines, telling the reader in plain language (while utilizing sophisticated concepts) what to do and how to do it with adolescent patients and their parents. His clinical vignettes are compelling and real, and by the end he has made his points clear, giving the reader a master’s recommendations on both a therapeutic stance as well as a framework to navigate the choppy waters of adolescent treatment and development. His commitment to and “ownership” of patients is inspiring, conveying the power of “being with” adolescents and “having their back.” All in all, this is a book that will stay with the reader and one to go back to for more over time.‘
— David L. Kaye, MD, Professor of Psychiatry, Vice Chair for Academic Affairs (Psychiatry), Medical Director, CAP PC, University at Buffalo School of Medicine, NY
About the Author(s)
H. Spencer Bloch, MD, has practiced child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry and psychoanalysis for forty-five years in San Rafael, CA. An honours graduate of Amherst and AOA from Cornell University Medical College, he completed medical internship at Bellevue Hospital in New York, and psychiatric residencies at Harvard’s Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Judge Baker Guidance Center, and Children’s Hospital Medical Center, serving as chief resident following military service in Vietnam and San Francisco. He trained and taught courses on adolescent and oedipal development at the San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute, and is certified in child/adolescent, and adult psychoanalysis, and board certified in child/adolescent, and general psychiatry.
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