The Transactional Analyst in Action: Clinical Seminars

Author(s) : Michele Novellino

The Transactional Analyst in Action: Clinical Seminars

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This book represents a synthesis of more than thirty years dedicated to the spreading and teaching of transactional analysis, and will be useful to students, directors and professors of the schools of transactional analysis, and also to therapists of other schools, providing an up-to-date and complete idea of the current state of the analytic transactional methodology. The handbook describes the epistemological and methodological roots for a well-grounded psychotherapy with transactional analysis (TA): differences among method, methodology, therapeutic plan, and strategy and technique are all illustrated. TA is presented as a phenomenological branch of modern relational psychoanalysis. Transference and counter-transference are reconsidered in a Bernean perspective. The four strategic phases of alliance, decontamination, deconfusion, and relearning are presented, together with the well-known techniques of the eight Bernean therapeutic operations, two and three-chairs work, redecision technique, and dream-work. The major transactional analysis schools of psychodynamic TA, integrative psychotherapy, and redecison school are summarized and compared. The author’s theory of unconscious communication and of ‘six steps’ for the first interview are introduced. Many clinical cases help the reader to assimilate the different concepts.

The topics are presented in a way to offer both students and psychotherapists an integrated version of what the current panorama of transactional techniques offers, in particular those of a psychodynamic orientation, but giving ample space to the redecisional techniques.

Reviews and Endorsements

‘Michele Novellino’s book has enormous didactic value: it retraces the story of techniques used in transactional analytic psychotherapy, covering the whole span of their development. Starting with classical Bernean operations, the contract, and the 70’s techniques (such as the parent interview, self-reparenting, redecision, etc.) it moves through the psychodynamic approach to TA, onto relational work with transference and countertransference, and ends with the contribution of the integrative transactional analysis. It is practical, simple, deep and efficient: Transactional Analysis at its best! Among the most useful technical resource since Berne’s Principles of Group Treatment.’
- Marco Mazzetti, MD, Psychiatrist, Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst, Recipient of the Eric Berne Memorial Award 2012

About the Author(s)

Michele Novellino, psychiatrist, psychologist, and teaching and supervising transactional analyst of the International Transactional Analysis Association, is one of the founders of transactional analysis in Italy. He was granted the Eric Berne Memorial Award in 2003 for his studies on unconscious communication, and is the author of twenty books on psychotherapy and more than 150 papers.

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