The Psychodynamic Approach to Therapeutic Change

Author(s) : Rob Leiper, Author(s) : Michael Maltby

The Psychodynamic Approach to Therapeutic Change

Book Details

  • Publisher : Sage
  • Published : January 2004
  • Category :
    Individual Psychotherapy
  • Catalogue No : 18818
  • ISBN 13 : 9780761948711
  • ISBN 10 : 0761948716
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Change is the central purpose of all counselling and psychotherapy, but how it is conceptualized and worked with varies according to the theoretical approach being used. This book explores the nature of psychological change from the psychodynamic perspective and describes the process through which clients can be helped to come to terms with painful experiences and develop new ways of relating.

Reviews and Endorsements

In the first part of the book, Rob Leiper and Michael Maltby look at therapeutic change in relation to psychological health and maturity. They explore what motivates people to change and also why resistance occurs.

The main part of the book outlines the collaborative process that clients and therapist work through to bring about change and highlights the role of the therapist in:

] creating the conditions for clients to express their thoughts, feelings and memories

] developing clients' awareness and understanding of their psychological processes, and

] providing `containment' for the client's psychological projections.

The final part of the book sets personal therapeutic change in a wider social context, linking individual change with community and organisational development.

Combining core psychodynamic concepts with contemporary thinking, The Psychodynamic Approach to Therapeutic Change provides a lively and up-to-date integration of ideas on the change process which will be of great value to trainees and practicing counsellors and psychotherapists.

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