The Origins, Prevention and Treatment of Infant Crying and Sleeping Problems: An Evidence-Based Guide for Healthcare Professionals and the Families They Support

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2012
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 280
- Category :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Catalogue No : 33025
- ISBN 13 : 9780415601177
- ISBN 10 : 0415601177
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Babies who cry a lot, or are unsettled in the night, are common sources of concern for parents and, consequently, costly problems for health services. In this book, Ian St James-Roberts summarises the evidence concerning infant crying and sleeping problems to provide a new evidence-based approach to these common challenges for parents and health services. The book begins by distinguishing between infant and parental parts of the problems and provides guidelines for assessing each issue.
Topics covered include:
* the pros and cons of 'infant-demand' versus 'limit-setting' forms of parenting
* causes of infant 'colicky' crying and night waking
* effects of night-time separations on infant attachments
* interventions such as swaddling, herbal remedies, and 'controlled crying.'
Since there is now firm evidence that parents' vulnerabilities and cultural backgrounds affect how problems are defined and guidance is acted upon, and that parents who wish to do so can reduce infant crying and unsettled night waking, social factors are considered alongside medical issues. Translating research evidence into practical tools and guidance, The Origins, Prevention and Treatment of Infant Crying and Sleeping Problems will be essential reading for a wide range of healthcare professionals including mental health staff, social workers, midwives, health visitors, community physicians and paediatricians.
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