Psychotherapy, Anthropology and the Work of Culture

Editor : Keir Martin

Psychotherapy, Anthropology and the Work of Culture

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : April 2019
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 162
  • Category :
    Individual Psychotherapy
  • Catalogue No : 94346
  • ISBN 13 : 9780367182519
  • ISBN 10 : 0367182513
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Anthropology and psychotherapy have a long and important historical relationship, and in this fascinating collection practitioners with experience in both fields explore how the concept of `culture' is deployed to guide and frame contemporary therapeutic theory, training and practice. This task is particularly important as the global spread of psychotherapy, as both an outgrowth of and a potential point of critique to globalised hyper-capitalism, requires us to think differently about how to conceptualise cultural difference in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, Anthropology and the Work of Culture provides a valuable resource for psychotherapeutic professionals working in a world in which cultural difference appears in fluid and transient moments. It will also provide essential reading for students and researchers working across the fields of psychotherapy and anthropology.

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