Perspectives on a Young Woman's Suicide: A Study of a Diary

Editor : John F. Gunn III, Editor : David Lester

Perspectives on a Young Woman's Suicide: A Study of a Diary

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Also by David Lester

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Perspectives on a Young Woman's Suicide is a unique and updated analysis of a diary left behind by Katie, a young woman who took her own life.

By drawing on clinicians, researchers, survivors of suicide loss, and those closest to Katie, this book delves into common beliefs about why people die by suicide and into the internal worlds of those who do, as well as ethical and moral questions surrounding those deaths. Several contributors discuss Katie's suicide from the perspective of recent theories of suicide, including Joiner's interpersonal theory and Klonsky's three-step theory. Two contributors who have lost a child to suicide look at Katie's diary from their perspective, one of whom discusses whether it is truly possible to prevent suicide. Finally, Katie's sister reveals her reactions to this project and her ex-boyfriend shares his account of her death.

This book is a vital addition to the library of any researcher, academic, or professional interested in suicide and suicide prevention.

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