How to Choose a Psychotherapist

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2003
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 68
- Category :
Individual Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 16919
- ISBN 13 : 9781855752894
- ISBN 10 : 1855752891
Also by Joan Symington
The Clinical Thinking of Wilfred Bion
Price £35.99
Also by Neville Symington
The Analytic Experience: Lectures from the Tavistock
Price £19.95
Narcissism: A New Theory
Price £36.99
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The demand for psychotherapy and counselling is greater than ever. More and more people are enrolling on psychotherapy and counselling courses; the number of different associations in this industry has doubled and everyone knows someone who is in therapy or at least thinking about it. So are standards of practice being sacrificed while we are trying to keep up with the demand? Are the right people training to be a psychotherapists? Have you got the right psychotherapist?
'This little book is written for patients. It is a challenge to action. Do not be satisfied with a malingering treatment. Gird your loins and challenge your psychotherapist and be prepared to go to a new one. It is worth the trouble to find the right person. Psychotherapy is a long and expensive process so ensure that youy make it effective. It is your responsibility to find the right person. This book is a guide to help you in that search.'
- From the Introduction.
About the Editor(s)
Neville Symington is a member of the British and Australian Psychoanalytical Societies. His books include Narcissism: A New Theory, The Making of a Psychotherapist, A Pattern of Madness and Becoming a Person Through Psychoanalysis (all published by Karnac Books); The Analytic Experience, and The Clinical Thinking of Wilfred Bion (written with Joan Symington). He has a private psychoanalytic practice in New South Wales, Australia.
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Joan Symington is a child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. She was consultant Child Psychiatrist at the Royal Free Hospital, London, for ten years. Having trained at the British Psycho-Analytic Association, she now works in Sydney and is a training analyst of the Australian Psychoanalytical Society. She has published articles on infant observation and psychoanalysis and she is the co-author with her husband Neville of the book The Clinical Thinking of Wilfred Bion.
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