Happy Families: A Parents' Guide to the Non-violent Resistance Approach

Author(s) : Carmelite Avraham-Krehwinkel, Author(s) : David Aldridge, Illustrator : Jemima Kingsley

Happy Families: A Parents' Guide to the Non-violent Resistance Approach

Book Details

  • Publisher : Jessica Kingsley
  • Published : 2010
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 112
  • Category :
    Family, Couple and Systemic Therapy
  • Catalogue No : 29755
  • ISBN 13 : 9781849050845
  • ISBN 10 : 1849050848
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Parenting a child with behavioral problems can be exhausting, and finding a way to familial harmony may at times seem like an impossible task. Where do you even begin? Is there a way to break patterns of destructive behavior? How can you avoid situations that have the potential to escalate out of control? "Happy Families" answers all of these questions and more, providing a step-by-step structured approach to behavior management that really works. Based on the concept of Non-Violent Resistance, it teaches parents how to avoid the use of aggressive responses such as hitting, cursing, blaming, threatening or humiliating the child, and focuses instead on minimizing and preventing the escalation of bad behavior, ensuring that parental integrity is retained throughout. Each chapter deals with a different stage of the process, from conveying a clear statement of intent that the situation has to change, to recruiting the help and support of family and friends. Morale-boosting tips encourage flagging parents to persevere with the approach, and the book concludes with a detailed case study, demonstrating the significant results that can be achieved. This book has been designed specifically for parents and caregivers, and is a must for anyone who wishes to contain, counter and positively re-direct the aggression they face from children in distress, bringing about deep-felt and lasting change.

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