Gender Space and Power

Book Details
- Publisher : Free Association Books
- Published : 2005
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 22286
- ISBN 13 : 9781853439186
- ISBN 10 : 1853439185
Also by Mino Vianello
Also by Elena Caramazza
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Presenting the key concept of 'ovular space' as opposed to 'rectilinear' spatial concepts as a new paradigm for social analysis, the authors put forward a wide-ranging social and cultural critique based on a utopian vision of a new social organization. They argue for a reversal of the 'masculinism' that has predominated throughout human history to date. They analyse the origins and structures of this predominant cultural form and describe phenomena that indicate that this pattern is shifting with changes in gender roles.
About the Author(s)
Mino Vianello is former Professor of Economic Sociology at Rome University, Italy. He was awarded the 2000 Descartes Prize for his research on gender difference at the top of public life in 27 countries.
Elena Caramazza, MD and Pediatrician, is an IAAP member, AIPA preceptor and Jungian analyst. She has published several papers and reviews concerning Jungian thought and analytical psychology and practices privately as an analyst in Rome. She is the author, with Murray Stein, of Temporality, Shame, and the Problem of Evil in Jungian Psychology: An Exchange of Ideas. She is the author of the book Silenzio a Praga (Moretti e Vitali) and also wrote a chapter "L'Ombra" in Trattato di Psicologia Analitica.
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