Gestalt Therapy Books

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The Awakened Therapist: Spirituality, Consciousness, and Subtle Energy in Gestalt Therapy

The Awakened Therapist: Spirituality, Consciousness, and Subtle Energy in Gestalt Therapy

by Harmony Kwiker

  • Paperback £26.99

The Awakened Therapist is an accessible introduction to gestalt therapy through the lens of transpersonal counseling, one that offers a clear and profound account of how to bridge the gap between... (more)

A Field-Centred Approach to Gestalt Therapy: Agency and Response-ability in a Changing World

A Field-Centred Approach to Gestalt Therapy: Agency and Response-ability in a Changing World

by Lothar Gutjahr

  • Paperback £29.99

In Gestalt therapy, sociological, political, and economic research is often neglected or ignored. Drawing on analyses about current societal conditions, this book considers that there is no such... (more)

Psychopathology of the Situation in Gestalt Therapy: A Field-oriented Approach

Psychopathology of the Situation in Gestalt Therapy: A Field-oriented Approach

Edited by Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Pietro Andrea Cavaleri

  • Paperback £29.99

This collection explores the impacts and new ways of treatment of difficult clinical situations, in the uncertainty of a world in crisis, through a phenomenological and aesthetic field-oriented... (more)

The History, Theory and Community of Gestalt Therapy: Exploring the New York Institute

The History, Theory and Community of Gestalt Therapy: Exploring the New York Institute

by Vaclav Mikolasek

  • Paperback £29.99

This book tells the story of the community at the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy (NYIGT) as it evolved in connection with the highly regarded theory it produced, examining some important... (more)

Exploring Masculinity, Sexuality, and Culture in Gestalt Therapy: An Autoethnography

Exploring Masculinity, Sexuality, and Culture in Gestalt Therapy: An Autoethnography

by Adam Kincel

  • Paperback £29.69 (RRP : £32.99 save £3.30)

Exploring Masculinity, Sexuality, and Culture in Gestalt Therapy is an invitation to explore social and political issues within the psychotherapeutic framework. It describes and analyses the author's... (more)

Enchantment and Gestalt Therapy: Partners in Exploring Life

Enchantment and Gestalt Therapy: Partners in Exploring Life

by Erving Polster

  • Paperback £29.69 (RRP : £32.99 save £3.30)

Enchantment and Gestalt Therapy is a personal exploration of Erving Polster's remarkable career, the value of the Gestalt approach, and the power of enchantment in psychotherapy.

Polster points... (more)

Christianity and Gestalt Therapy: The Presence of God in Human Relationships

Christianity and Gestalt Therapy: The Presence of God in Human Relationships

by Philip Brownell

  • Paperback £33.29 (RRP : £36.99 save £3.70)

Christianity and Gestalt Therapy is a unique integration written for psychotherapists who want to better understand their Christian clients and Christian counselors who want a clinically sound... (more)

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Showing 61 to 67 of 67 items
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