Queering Gestalt Therapy: An Anthology on Gender, Sex & Relationship Diversity in Psychotherapy

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : March 2023
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 164
- Category :
Gestalt Therapy - Category 2 :
Individual Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 97186
- ISBN 13 : 9781032371092
- ISBN 10 : 1032371099
Also by Vikram Kolmannskog
The Empty Chair: Tales from Gestalt Therapy
Price £35.99
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The first peer-reviewed book of its kind, this important volume addresses a current gap in the field of gestalt therapy: that the practice—and psychotherapy more broadly—still suffers from pervasive hetero- and cis-normativity.
This book offers gestalt-therapy-based research and training material on gender, sex, and relationship diversity (GSRD), including chapters on a variety of GSRD issues and how therapists can become more GSRD-sensitive. The contributors position themselves across the whole spectrum of GSRD and offer their voices as an invitation to further queer the gestalt community with diverse content ranging from academic, research-oriented pieces to experiential, reflective perspectives. Featured chapters explore topics including gender-radical clients, sex and sexuality, relationship diversity, integrating GSRD and gestalt therapy, and addressing heteronormativity in gestalt therapy training.
Queering Gestalt Therapyis for everyone who is interested in gender, sex, and relationship diversity, especially as they relate to gestalt therapy practice. This book will be especially useful for therapists, supervisors, coaches, and students of gestalt therapy.
About the Editor(s)
Ayhan Alman is a queer psychotherapist with a Muslim, Middle Eastern context, and western upbringing. He trained as a gestalt psychotherapist at Metanoia Institute in London. Therapeutically, he is interested in how prejudice and bias impacts on the mental health of marginalised communities.
John Gillespie is a gestalt therapist based in London. He is founding director of New Gestalt Voices and longstanding editor of the NGV International Journal. He works as a freelance consultant in the charity/public sectors, combining this with low cost therapy work.
Vikram Kolmannskog is a Gestalt therapist and writer based in Oslo, Norway. He has a private practice, and teaches and researches as associate professor at the Norwegian Gestalt Institute. He has also trained as a lawyer with specialisation in human rights, and social scientist with a doctoral degree in sociology of law.
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