This is a programme to train young people how to be therapeutic mentors to younger children, with mentoring workshop outlines and creative, therapeutic activities to use. Peer mentoring is mutually... (more)
Packed with activities and helpful advice, this resource is designed for professionals working to help adolescents and adults break the destructive cycle of low self-esteem. This fully updated new... (more)
From a pioneering researcher, this book synthesizes the best current knowledge on resilience in children and adolescents. Ann S. Masten explores what allows certain individuals to thrive and adapt... (more)
From leading experts who have trained thousands of professionals in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), this manual provides indispensable tools for treating adolescents with emotional or behavioral... (more)
This book offers an innovative, trans-diagnostic approach to enhancing self-control in adolescents based directly on personality and social psychological science. It thus fills a void. While several... (more)
From Pregnancy to Motherhood explores the mental states associated with pregnancy, birth and the early days of motherhood from a psychoanalytic perspective. Drawing on clinical research findings and... (more)
This classic volume, now completely revised, has helped tens of thousands of therapists integrate play therapy and family therapy techniques in clinical practice. Eliana Gil demonstrates a broad... (more)
Featuring extensive case studies, this volume provides a unique window into implementation of evidence-based treatments in real-world community settings. Experienced therapists illustrate the use of... (more)
This authoritative work brings together leading play therapists to describe state-of-the-art clinical approaches and applications. The book explains major theoretical frameworks and summarizes the... (more)
Even for today's most tech-savvy parents, managing kids' technology use is a huge challenge fraught with uncertainties. What kinds (and amounts) of screen time boost learning and development--and... (more)
Brief Coaching with Children and Young People: A Solution Focused Approach is the first book of its type to describe the thinking and practice of Solution Focused coaching with these age groups. The... (more)
This straightforward guide offers a complete overview of Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome (PDA) and gives practical advice for overcoming the difficulties it poses in a wide range of contexts... (more)
A growing number of parents are considering part time or 'flexischooling' as an option that might benefit their child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) but face concerns such as: Is it possible?... (more)
The Verbal Behavior (VB) approach is a form of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), that is based on B.F. Skinner's analysis of verbal behavior and works particularly well with children with minimal or... (more)
A garden or nature setting presents the perfect opportunity for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and special needs to learn, play and strengthen body and mind. This book empowers teachers and... (more)
This accessible and practical photocopiable resource is brimming with ideas and guidance for motivating children with autism spectrum disorder or other communication difficulties. The clear and... (more)
A concise guide to the fundamentals of child psychopathology, complete with the latest developments, Essentials of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Second Edition provides a concise, accessible... (more)
This book aims to provide a guide to working effectively with children in the criminal justice system. Uniquely designed to train psychology, criminology, and social work students to work with... (more)
This book forms a complete guide to evidence based interventions for children and adolescents. The past decade has witnessed the development of numerous interventions proved to be highly effective;... (more)
Have you ever thought: "I can't believe I just said to my child the very thing my parents used to say to me! Am I destined to repeat the mistakes of my parents?" In Parenting from the Inside Out,... (more)
Facing any type of change can cause confusion and anxiety for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. This book looks at the small transitions in everyday life that can be a big deal for a child... (more)
As a parent, a teacher and an Aspie herself, Jennifer Cook O'Toole provides a unique insider's look into Asperger Syndrome. She shows how to help children on the spectrum by understanding how they... (more)
Parents of children with Asperger's syndrome (AS) or high-functioning autism can often feel at a loss as to how to understand and communicate with their child and how to help their child feel valued... (more)
The Asperkid's Game Plan looks from the inside at the learning style of children with Asperger syndrome and explains how to introduce structured play that engages Asperkids and explicitly addresses... (more)
My Autism Book is a beautifully illustrated picture book that helps parents to explain an autism diagnosis to their child in a sensitive, positive and accurate way. When a child is diagnosed with an... (more)
Why are sleep disorders more common in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), and how can parents recognise the signs and symptoms? Which treatments are most effective, how easy are they... (more)
Harry the Hypno-potamus is a collection of metaphorical stories that rely on hypnosis and other relaxation techniques to deal with a wide variety of physical and behavioural problems faced by... (more)
In An Introduction to Childhood, Heather Montgomery examines the role children have played within anthropology, how they have been studied by anthropologists and how they have been portrayed and... (more)
Theoretical and practice-oriented, Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology offers a concise, comprehensive, review of the knowledge, concepts and practice of child and adolescent clinical... (more)
The Science of ADHD addresses the scientific status of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in an informed and accessible way, without recourse to emotional or biased viewpoints. The author... (more)