Autism and Aspergers Books

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Educating Girls on the Autism Spectrum: Developing an Integrated Approach

Educating Girls on the Autism Spectrum: Developing an Integrated Approach

Edited by Judith Hebron, Caroline Bond

  • Paperback £25.00

Addressing the gender gap in the understanding of autism, this book takes a multi-perspective examination of the key issues in education for girls with autism. This collection distills latest... (more)

Catatonia, Shutdown and Breakdown in Autism: A Psycho-Ecological Approach

Catatonia, Shutdown and Breakdown in Autism: A Psycho-Ecological Approach

by Amitta Dr. Shah

  • Paperback £19.99

Based on Dr Amitta Shah's 35 years of clinical and research experience, this practical book shows how to recognise and diagnose catatonia in people with autism. Written for professionals, friends and... (more)

Autism, Ethnicity and Culture: Working with Children and Families from Minority Communities

Autism, Ethnicity and Culture: Working with Children and Families from Minority Communities

by Prithvi Perepa

  • Paperback £19.99

Autism affects all ethnicities, yet professionals do not always have the skills required to support the diverse needs of autistic young people and their families from different communities. As a... (more)

Autism: A New Introduction to Psychological Theory and Current Debate

Autism: A New Introduction to Psychological Theory and Current Debate

by Sue Fletcher-Watson, Francesca Happe

  • Paperback £32.99

Based on Francesca Happe's best-selling textbook, Autism: An Introduction to Psychological Theory, this completely new edition provides a concise overview of contemporary psychological theories about... (more)

Systemically Treating Autism: A Clinician's Guide for Empowering Families

Systemically Treating Autism: A Clinician's Guide for Empowering Families

Edited by Brie Turns, Julie Ramisch

  • Paperback £34.77 (RRP : £36.99 save £2.22)

Systemically Treating Autism provides a unique resource for family therapists and other mental health professionals who want to increase their understanding of families with children with autism... (more)

He's Not Naughty!: A Children s Guide to Autism

He's Not Naughty!: A Children s Guide to Autism

by Deborah Brownson

  • Paperback £12.99

Taryn and Jake are best friends who have lots of similarities and lots of differences. One of the differences is that Jake has autism and Taryn doesn't, which means they can act differently... (more)

A Practical Guide to Happiness in Adults on the Autism Spectrum: A Positive Psychology Approach

A Practical Guide to Happiness in Adults on the Autism Spectrum: A Positive Psychology Approach

by Victoria Honeybourne

  • Paperback £16.99

Clear and engaging, this book offers a refreshing positive psychology approach to mental health and autism. Moving away from neurotypical views of happiness, it sets out simple techniques to help... (more)

The PDA Paradox: The Highs and Lows of My Life on a Little-Known Part of the Autism Spectrum

The PDA Paradox: The Highs and Lows of My Life on a Little-Known Part of the Autism Spectrum

by Harry Thompson

  • Paperback £12.99

Diagnosed with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) in his teenage years, Harry Thompson looks back with wit and humour at the ups and downs of family and romantic relationships, school, work and... (more)

Trauma Stigma and Autism: Developing Resilience and Loosening the Grip of Shame

Trauma Stigma and Autism: Developing Resilience and Loosening the Grip of Shame

by Gordon Gates

  • Paperback £16.99

This book presents ground-breaking ideas based on current research on how stigma can cause bodily felt trauma in stigmatised or marginalised people, particularly those on the autism spectrum. Gordon... (more)

Gender Identity Sexuality and Autism: Voices from Across the Spectrum

Gender Identity Sexuality and Autism: Voices from Across the Spectrum

by Eva Mendes

  • Paperback £18.99

Bringing together a collection of narratives from those who are on the autism spectrum whilst also identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and/or asexual (LGBTQIA), this... (more)

Me and My PDA: A Guide to Pathological Demand Avoidance for Young People

Me and My PDA: A Guide to Pathological Demand Avoidance for Young People

by Gloria Dura-Vila

  • Hardback £14.99

This beautifully illustrated guide helps young people with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) to understand their diagnosis, develop self-awareness and implement their own personalised... (more)

Girls and Autism: Educational, Family and Personal Perspectives

Girls and Autism: Educational, Family and Personal Perspectives

Edited by Barry Carpenter, Francesca Happe

  • Paperback £27.59 (RRP : £29.99 save £2.40)

Often thought of as a predominantly male disorder, girls on the autism spectrum have long gone unidentified, unnoticed, and unsupported - sometimes with devastating consequences for their social and... (more)

Simple Autism Strategies for Home and School: Poetry Tips and Resources to Support Your Child

Simple Autism Strategies for Home and School: Poetry Tips and Resources to Support Your Child

by Sarah Cobbe

  • Paperback £16.99

Offering a unique overview of a child's point of view of life with autism, this guidebook will help parents and teachers better understand how this condition is experienced in day to day life.... (more)

Early Childhood Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder Second Edition: Supporting Children and Their Families

Early Childhood Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder Second Edition: Supporting Children and Their Families

Edited by Petra Kern, Marcia Humpal

  • Paperback £33.99

This updated book offers a comprehensive understanding of music therapy services for young children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and their families in home, preschool, and community settings.... (more)

An Introduction to Autism for Adoptive and Foster Families: How to Understand and Help Your Child

An Introduction to Autism for Adoptive and Foster Families: How to Understand and Help Your Child

by Katie Hunt, Helen Rodwell

  • Paperback £13.99

Practical advice and recommendations on how to parent a child with autism for adoptive parents and foster carers. This book is split into two sections - the first details what autism is, and the... (more)

Defining Autism: A Guide to Brain Biology and Behavior

Defining Autism: A Guide to Brain Biology and Behavior

by Emily L. Casanova, Manuel F. Casanova

  • Paperback £19.99

Offering a summary of the current state of knowledge in autism research, Defining Autism looks at the different genetic, neurological and environmental causes of, and contributory factors to autism.... (more)

Safety and Consent for Kids and Teens with Autism or Special Needs: A Parents Guide

Safety and Consent for Kids and Teens with Autism or Special Needs: A Parents Guide

by Debra S. Jacobs

  • Paperback £14.99

This book provides invaluable information for adults who provide care for children with special needs. The book includes teaching interventions to help children to have an increased sense of... (more)

Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment in Schools

Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment in Schools

by Laura Dilly, Christine Hall

  • Paperback £36.99

Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment in Schools serves as a guide on how to assess children for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), specifically in school settings. Dilly and Hall offer a general... (more)

From Autism and Mutism to an Enlivened Self: A Case Narrative with Reflections on Early Development

From Autism and Mutism to an Enlivened Self: A Case Narrative with Reflections on Early Development

by Joseph D. Lichtenberg, Diana Thielst

  • Paperback £29.99

From Autism and Mutism to an Enlivened Self explores the importance of intimacy, interaction with the environment and the mind-body connection in early childhood development, with specific reference... (more)

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adult Asperger Syndrome, Second Edition

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adult Asperger Syndrome, Second Edition

by Valerie L. Gaus

  • Hardback £31.49 (RRP : £34.99 save £3.50)

Now revised and expanded, this is the leading resource for psychotherapists working with adults who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) without significant cognitive and language impairments (also... (more)

My Child's Different: The lessons learned from one familys struggle to unlock their sons potential

My Child's Different: The lessons learned from one familys struggle to unlock their sons potential

by Elaine Halligan

  • Paperback £12.99

Elaine Halligan's My Child's Different: The lessons learned from one family's struggle to unlock their son's potential explores the enabling role that parents can play in bringing the best out of... (more)

Instructions Not Supplied: A story of adoption autism and coming together as a family

Instructions Not Supplied: A story of adoption autism and coming together as a family

by Julie Otto

  • Paperback £12.99

Instructions Not Supplied is the account of one family’s experience in adopting three children, each of whom turned out to have special needs, and the challenges they have faced along the way. Some... (more)

Successful Social Articles into Adulthood: Growing Up with Social Stories ™

Successful Social Articles into Adulthood: Growing Up with Social Stories ™

by Siobhan Timmins

  • Paperback £16.99

The first book that explains how to use Social Stories (TM) to support younger adults with autism focuses on some of the most common issues that arise as they enter the adult world. Siobhan Timmins... (more)

Spectrum Women: Walking to the Beat of Autism

Spectrum Women: Walking to the Beat of Autism

Edited by Barb Cook, Michelle Garnett

  • Print £15.99

Barb Cook and 14 other autistic women describe life from a female autistic perspective, and present empowering, helpful and supportive insights from their personal experience for fellow autistic... (more)

Girls with Autism Becoming Women

Girls with Autism Becoming Women

by Heather Wodis

  • Paperback £14.99

This insightful book investigates the experiences of seven women with autism as they transition from childhood to adulthood, and how they make sense of that journey. Taken from the autobiographies of... (more)

Working with Girls and Young Women with an Autism Spectrum Condition: A Practical Guide for Clinicians

Working with Girls and Young Women with an Autism Spectrum Condition: A Practical Guide for Clinicians

by Fiona Fisher Bullivant

  • Paperback £19.99

This guide shows how clinicians can help girls and young women with ASC to reach their full potential, by adopting more relationship-based, individualised approaches. With contributions from young... (more)

Asperger's Children: The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna

Asperger's Children: The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna

by Edith Sheffer

  • Hardback £21.99

In 1930s and 1940s Vienna, child psychiatrist Hans Asperger sought to define autism as a diagnostic category, treating those children he deemed capable of participating fully in society. Depicted as... (more)

Forest School and Autism: A Practical Guide

Forest School and Autism: A Practical Guide

by Michael James

  • Paperback £24.99

Forest School's innovative outdoor approach offers specific benefits to learners with autism, including increased social skills, raised self-esteem and improved sensory function. This guide raises... (more)

The Parents' Practical Guide to Resilience for Preteens and Teenagers on the Autism Spectrum

The Parents' Practical Guide to Resilience for Preteens and Teenagers on the Autism Spectrum

by Jeanette Purkis, Emma Goodall

  • Paperback £13.99

This book empowers parents of autistic young people aged 11 to 20 to help them promote resilience in their child. Full of suggestions and simple activities, this easy-to-use resource will help guide... (more)

Sex and the Single Aspie

Sex and the Single Aspie

by Artemisia

  • Paperback £13.99

This ground-breaking book about sexuality speaks to women on the autism spectrum in fresh new ways, opening doors to discussion, and blowing the lid off taboo subjects. One of the many problems... (more)

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