Elda Abrevaya trained in the Psychoanalytic Society of Paris (SPP) and is a training analyst of the Istanbul Psychoanalytic Association. She has worked as a professor in the Psychology Department of the University of Puerto Rico and in a Mental Health Center there. Her clinical experience in this setting has been the subject of three books which study childhood, madness, psychiatric institution and poverty: El Nino, su Sufrimiento y la Pobreza (San Juan, 1992); Del Espejo al Otro (San Juan, 1998); and La Locura como Pasion (San Juan, 1999). She has recently published on femininity with a special focus on ageing and menopause: The Long and Tortuous Path to Femininity (Istanbul, 2014).
Femininity, Desire and Sublimation in Psychoanalysis explores female subjectivity and examines the complexities inherent in psychoanalytic work realized by women analysts with women.
The book... (more)
This latest volume in the Psychoanalysis and Women Series for the Committee on Women and Psychoanalysis of the International Psychoanalytical Association presents and discusses theoretical and... (more)