Nurturing Natures: Attachment and Children's Emotional, Sociocultural and Brain Development

Author(s) : Graham Music

Nurturing Natures: Attachment and Children's Emotional, Sociocultural and Brain Development

Book Details

Table of Contents


Introduction: The Blind Men and The Elephant
- Nature and Nurture  
- Multiple Perspectives  
- Un-Nurtured and Feral Children  
- The Chapters  

1. Life Begins: From Conception to Birth
- Observing The Unborn Baby  
- Where Does Parental Influence Start? The Meeting of Biology and Psychology  
- Lasting Effects, Social Effects  
- Being Born  
- Key Points

2. Born to Relate
- Immaturity  
- Bonding: Humans Are Not Grey-Lag Geese  
- Wired To Relate  
- Infant Imitation and Contingency  
- Attunement, Affect Regulation, and Marking  
- Maternal Instinct Questioned: Abandonment and Infanticide  
- Entrainment, Culture, and Becoming One of Us  
- Key Points

3. Infant Coping Mechanisms, Mismatches, and Repairs in Relating
- It Takes Two to Tango: Blind Babies, Premature Babies, and Sensitive Babies 
- Early Emotional Defences  
- Mismatches and Dodges  
- The Effect of Maternal Depression and Other Mental Health Problems  
- Key Points

4. Empathy, Self, and Other Minds
- Early Precursors of Understanding Other Minds  
- Developmental Leaps from Nine Months and Onwards  
- Theory of Mind  
- Mirror Neurons and Rizzolati’s Monkeys
- Exceptions: Neglected, Maltreated and Autistic Children   
- Key Points  

5. Attachment
- Attachment Theory’s Second Phase: Ainsworth the Strange Situation Test, Crittenden’s Dynamic Maturational Model  
- Attachment Inside Us  
- Transmission of Attachment  
- Attachment Theory and Culture  
- Attachment and Disorders  
- Key Points

6. Culture
- Some Differences  
- Sociocentric and Egocentric, Dyads and Groups  
- What Is Universal and Biologically Natural? Breastfeeding and Emotions  
- Cultural Variations in Development  
- Cultures Frame Our Thoughts and Very Physiology and Brains  
- Key Points

7. Biology and The Brain
- Neuroplasticity  
- Brain Areas  
- Brains, Nervous Systems and Bodies 
- Empathy, Maltreatment and Our Cerebral Hemispheres  
- Hope Or Hopeless 

8. Epigenetics, Evolution and How Nature Meets Nurture
- Epigenetics and Evolution  
- Nurturing Nature in Action
- Orchids and Dandelions
- Sins of the Fathers and Lamarck
- How Our Genes Affect Others
- Gene Environment Interaction and Caution
- Key Points

9. Language, Words, and Symbols
- Parentese and Infant-Directed Speech  
- Culture and Language  
- Intersubjectivity and Language Learning  
- Language and Brains  
- Language and Emotional Processing  
- Language Ability and Social Advantage  
- Key Points

10. Memories: Learning Who We Are and What to Expect
- The Brain as Predictor of The Future  
- Memories of Events and Facts  
- Episodic and Autobiographical Memory  
- Trauma, Memories, and Forgetting  
- Key Points

11. Play: Fun, Symbolising, Practising, and Mucking About
- Early Play  
- Play In Other Species and Rough and Tumble  
- Different Kinds of Play, Different Kinds of Learning  
- Play As a Window Into The Psyche  
- Play, Pretending, Symbolism, and Growing Minds  
- Key Points

12. Issues of Gender
- Social Learning
- Different Cultures, Different Genders
- Biological Differences and Rare Conditions  
- A Weaker Sex? Gender and The Impact of Early Experiences  
- Venus and Mars: Language and Different Planets  
- Preferred Cultures, Different Gender Preferences, and Beliefs  
- Different Genders, Different Psychological Presentations  
- Testosterone Again, and Other Hormones
- Key Points

13. Nonmaternal Care and Childcare
- Adoption Is Common in Some Societies  
- Purchased Nonmaternal Childcare: Nurseries  
- Nurseries, Nannies, Grannies, and Childminders  
- Summary

14. Middle Childhood, Siblings, Peers and Group Life
- Middle Childhood
- Siblings and Earlier Interactions
- Switch Points: Parents Peers and Attachment  
- Power of The Group  
- Peers: Are They Most Important?  
- Temperament
- Key Points

15. The Place of Fathers
- Biological Priming  
- Children With a Father and a Mother
- Children With No Biological Father Present: Single Mothers, Lesbian Parents, and Step-Fathers
- Practical Lessons from Research on Fathers 
- Key Points

16. Moving Towards Adulthood
- The Adolescent Brain  
- Screens, The Connected World and Other Addictions
- Becoming Less Attached  
- Sex and Romance  
- Risks, Problems, and Resilience  
- Key Points

17. Trauma, Neglect, and Their Effects
- Neglect  
- Maltreatment, Trauma, and Abuse  
- Long-Term Effects  
- Disorganised Attachment  
- Summary

18. Resilience and Good Feelings
- Positive Emotions and Health  
- Optimism Is Natural In Children  
- Resilience
- Ambivalence and Emotional Complexity
- Happiness: Eudaimonic and Hedonistic
- Resilience, Interventions and Proximal and Distal Impacts
- Summary

19. Moral Development, Antisocial and Prosocial Behaviour
- Early Moral Capacities  
- Empathy, Kindness, Compassion  
- Hot Aggression  
- Cold Aggression  
- Summary  

20. Conclusions: Earlier Experience and Its Longer-Term Consequences
- Psychological Effects of Early Experiences  
- Adverse Experiences and The Body  
- Childhood Trauma and The Lack of Good Experiences
- What Change Is Possible?  
- Conclusions


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