Respark: Igniting Hope and Joy After Trauma and Depression

Book Details
- Publisher : Mind-Nurturing Books
- Published : 2022
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 178
- Category :
Trauma and Violence - Category 2 :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Catalogue No : 96265
- ISBN 13 : 9781739814700
- ISBN 10 : 1739814703
Customer Reviews
Our customers have given this title an average rating of 5 out of 5 from 2 review(s), add your own review for this title.
Dr Carole Ulanowsky on 06/04/2022 19:41:18
(5 out of 5)
In this erudite publication the author is never far away from what he writes, both as therapist and as a person when developing his underpinning theme of emotional honesty and vitality. ‘Sparking’ is an inspired metaphor which Music works into his discussion with consummate skill and sensitivity.
But real sparking and connection is only possible when we feel ‘safe’; whereas a hinterland of negative experience in any young life – especially in first connection with the parent – can generate insecurity, even trauma, and fear of moving forward. Music explores, through casework, a range of unhappy, ‘damped down’ emotional states, when individual road maps for ‘re-sparking’ are urgently required. With impressive honesty Music first relates his own period of emotional shut-down and how, for him, as for others, engagement with personal pain is essential, before a process of ‘resetting’, ‘rebooting’ and ‘re-sparking’ can happen. Then, drawing further on insights gained from work with clients, Music develops a discussion of consummate sensitivity. This is quality writing, supported and enriched by a range of carefully selected academic references, including from neuroscience - but always with a light touch.
Throughout, the author offers convincing evidence of how careful patient therapy can build a safe foundation for individuals to ‘re-spark’ and discover strategies for moving on. In fact, it is through emotional engagement with one’s personal pain, the author argues, which can build a foundation for resilience, and for empathy too, enabling one to respond to the pain of others. What could be better?
Music extends his discussion when he considers how whole groups of people can become estranged from themselves and from others in his analysis of the public response to the COVID pandemic – the fear, the shutting down, and the numbness. This masterly discussion of how our public consciousness has become infiltrated by anxiety and mistrust is one of the best I have encountered.
Who would benefit from reading RESPARK? Certainly, professionals working in Psycho-therapeutic/Mental Health services would undoubtedly find a rich store of interest and instruction. Yet, I would urge anyone interested in achieving the ‘strong backs, soft fronts, and wild hearts’ of emotional health and wellbeing to get hold of RESPARK. It will set you on your way to understanding how this can be achieved.
Rebecca Bourhill on 01/02/2022 08:53:00
(5 out of 5)
A book to remember and keep close-at-hand. It hooked me in and I could not put it down. A solid 5 days of reading. In this book, Respark, Graham takes you on a journey of his personal experiences as well as of those that have been in therapy with him. In each chapter there is a description of the topic at hand followed by an example from his repertoire of clients he has worked with. Telling the story of clients that have gone through the stages of being ‘unsparked’ to reigniting the spark within. Most often one that took me on a rollercoaster of emotions and some of which I could personally relate to. And I am sure you might be able to relate to some yourself.
The topics covered are based on the concept of ‘Sparking’ after various different types of Traumas. The terminology that is used in the book is explained throughout which makes it readable for both the general public, people in the health profession, psychologists and everyone in between. Graham uses references to other research publications and psychologists in order to get the point across and give different perspectives and explanations. On a few occasions metaphors are used to explain concepts, creating a clearer picture.
A highly recommended book for those wanting to expand their toolkit on Resparking and for those that are psychologists a useful book to give examples of how Resparking might occur in clinical practice.
The book describes creating a soft front, hard back and a wild heart which is essential to have a zest for life and spark. The final chapter, the Epilogue brings the book together and truly finishes off the book in a well rounded way.